This article, Aedra, was created by AtlantisUchiha. |
The Aedra were a species of sentient beings from the planet Et'Ada. Genetically identical to humans, they're an naturally born force-sensitive race with their own style of teaching on the Force. Like with the Quarians, only an select few could actually be trained to the Force, and become an official Jedi. While they're called Aedra, there were another group known as Daedra, users of the Dark side of the Force, but overtime became their own race.
While called Aedra, almost every individual is not known as "pure-blood" due to interbreeding with the Nekomatas, an race of another identical humans born with characteristics of an feline. The only known pure-blooded lines were known in ancient times as the Aedric Gods, commonly associated with the royal family, and the King.