Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

"One thing I learned from growing up with no parents, is that sometimes, you can't let other people choose your life, you choose your own."
—Adrian Soonn

Adrian Soonn was a male Human/clone hybrid.


Early life[]

Adrian Soonn was a half human, half clone only son of Letra Soonn and ex-stormtrooper CC-2122 nicknamed "Cranker". Before Cranker returned to the Empire he had an affair with his wife which involved of the conceiving of Adrian a year later. When he was born, Cranker deserted the Imperial Military and joined the Onderon Military instead. Adrian was raised by his mother most of the time. One day, the Imperials found Cranker and captured him for deserting. They also took Letra and Adrian himself. Cranker was forced to watch as Adrian's mother was killed. About to be killed himself, his father convinced the troopers that Adrian was a kid that Letra had been taking care of. So, Adrian was shipped off to the Imperial Academy on Corellia.

Life At The Imperial Academy[]

Adrian, in his first few years at the Academy, never asked any questions about his parents. A quiet boy, Adrian was often brutally punished by Imperial instructers for being to soft. However, Adrian was reluctantly apart of an exclusive group of kids at the Imperial Academy. All these kids had been born and raised at the Academy. The only reason they accepted Adrian was because of his shooting and piloting skills. Adrian often had dreams of a beautiful woman cuddling him. In the future, he would find out that the woman was his mother.

At 13, Adrian was starting to realize that he didn't belong at the Imperial Academy. He was starting to think that it wasn't his or his parents choice that he ended up here. After his last class of the day, Adrian secretly snuck out. Being careful to avoid all the Academy senior cadets, Adrian went to the control center and looked up his name. He discovered that he was shipped to the Academy when he was 1. Adrian discovered that his parents were Letra Soonn, a former Onderon Resistance Member who was long deceased, and to his surprise, a clone trooper named CC-2122 nicknamed "Cranker" who had been executed for crimes against the Empire.

Determined to find out more, Adrian decided he was done with the Academy. He was mad at them for killing his parents who were fighting for good. So Adrian stole a shuttle from the hangar and departed Corellia.

Life As An Orphan (5 BBY- 1 ABY)[]

Search For a Ship[]

Adrian was able to pilot the ship off Corellia transmitting the proper access codes, then headed with the shuttles remaining fuel, to Kessel, where a lot of ships were built (having been unaware that Corellia sold ships) and docked in a free hangar leaving the stolen shuttle.

Adrian wandered around the shipyards looking for ships he could afford with the credits he had got off of the shuttle. He was careful to blend into crowds once Imperials came close. Eventually, Adrian found the perfect ship, but it was far out of his price range and, it wasn't up for sale. However, Adrian was desperate and stole the ship and renamed it Streak. Adrian quickly left Kessel and traveled to the farthest planet from Kessel which happened to be Tatooine.

Adventures On Tatooine[]

Arriving on Tatooine Adrian expected to find a place to live, then settle down. Boy was he wrong. Landing on the desert planet, Adrian was not prepared for the heat, and the sandstorms. Landing his ship near Anchorhead, Adrian armed himself with the blaster that he found on the ship and left. He began to arouse suspicion as he was still wearing his cadet uniform. So, he bought some desert gear with the few credits he had.

Adrian did not know what to do from there as he was an orphan. He took to stealing off farmers to spare him some drinks at the few cantinas he was allowed in. At the Academy he had been trained to survive a month in a desert so he was ready.

Adrian decided that he might as well start looking for relatives of his mother as his father was a clone. Slicing the main databank on Tatooine, Adrian discovered that his mother's sister lived out in the moisture farmer area. Stealing a speeder, he arrived at the farm. His aunt came out and he introduced himself as Letra's son. He was immediantly engulfed in hugs. He later met his uncle and his cousin who was a few years older then him. Being an orphan, they allowed Adrian to live with them and teach him moisture farming.

A year later however, Adrian returned from gathering supplies to find that his aunt and uncle were killed by Tusken Raiders. Adrian drew his blaster and just barely killed the Sand People saving his cousin who was distraught. Adrian calmed him down explaining that they needed to leave before more came. Using the landspeeder, they fled back to Anchorhead. Adrian led his cousin to his ship which he had hired people to take care of. By dawn, they had left Tatooine.

Bounty Hunters[]

After Adrian and his cousin Terk had fled Tatooine, Adrian once again was unsure of what to do. So in order to earn some credits, Adrian and Terk became bounty hunters. Adrian taught his cousin how to survive off Tatooine. Since his cousin was older, Adrian gave him the armor that was stashed in the closet. The two then traveled to Utapau where the Bounty Hunter's Guild had recently posted a bounty board. While their, Adrian bought a combat vest to put over his desert gear until he got actual armor.

Looking at the bounty board, Terk wanted to take the bounty of 5000 credits for the assassination of a Pau'uan noble but Adrian refused not wanting to kill. So they took the job of capturing a known criminal for the government.

After completing the contract, they earned 2000 credits. Over the next few years, they became well known bounty hunters. Adrian was very wary of Terk who sometimes got trigger happy and killed the target.

By 1 ABY Terk had joined the Bounty Hunters Guild. Adrian however, did not. He still had a good heart and was referred to as Terk's trainee despite the fact that Adrian had taught Terk. So, one day on Mandalore where the latest meeting was being held, Adrian left Terk stranded on the planet and departed in Streak.

Fighting For the Rebellion (1 ABY- 4 ABY)[]

Meeting Ace, Charger and Gunner[]

After so many years, Adrian was once again, alone. Out of work, out of credits with the exception of the credits that he had managed to keep form Terk, Adrian did not know what to do.

While preforming a smuggling job for the Empire, Adrian was caught by a stormtrooper squad and imprisoned on an Imperial Star Destroyer where he was to be sent to Coruscant. However, 2 days later, two stormtroopers broke Adrian out of jail. They helped Adrian escape and promised to meet him on the nearby moon and explain everything.

A few hours later they arrived. They introduced them selves as Charger and Gunner. However their formal designations were ST-3980 and ST-2296. They also revealed themselves to be identical. At first, Adrian thought they were twins but then remembered that his father looked just like them except their hair was cut differently. Charger admitted they had formerly been soldiers for the Galactic Republic once known as CT-4316, and CT-2036. Charger and Gunner explained that they had become sick of the Empire's rule. They further explained that Adrian's father had defied the Empire but was executed. Adrian was shocked they knew who he was and even more when Charger and Gunner told Adrian they had been a part of Cranker's squad Riot Squad.

They then told Adrian that a fellow old squad mate named Ace had also deserted and later became one of the first soldiers to enlist with the Rebellion. They offered Adrian the chance to come with them. Wanting to fight for freedom and to avenge his parents, Adrian accepted.

Joining the Rebellion[]

Using Adrian's ship, they spent months trying to track the Alliance's new base. They succeeded and went to the planet of Hoth. Meeting with the Alliance leaders, they were eager to accept stormtrooper defects but they believed Adrian to be to young. However they let all three in.

Adrian was required to go through extensive training before he was allowed to fight. He was one of the better students as he had had many years of fighting experience plus trained at the Academy. In order to prove himself, he gave the Alliance old but reliable info from his time at the Academy. A month later, Adrian graduated into the military.

Adrian joined the newly reformed Riot Squad as a Private. His commander was Ace who was a Captain and Charger and Gunner were Sergeants. They were glad to have Adrian on the time and remarked that he fought like his father.

Early Missions[]

One of Adrian's first missions was to inflirtrate the Imperial Academy on Corellia and destroy it. Adrian knew this was a test to see if Riot Squad had renounced the Empire fully. Adrian would pose as a graduate student while Ace would pose as the leader with Charger and Gunner being his bodyguards.

They spent months undercover slowly dismantling operations. Near the end of the year, the overseer confronted Ace and told him the Academy could not continue. With the Academy dismantled, all cadets were replaced by stormtroopers as the Academy was being turned into a battalion base. Leaking info to the Rebellion, Riot Squad left just as the Alliance came and attacked the base.

Their next mission was to go to Yavin 4 and recover some top secret data that the Alliance had left behind when fleeing the planet. They later discovered that "data" meant prisoners! This heroic act earned Riot Squad a medal and people were already beginning to see a long career ahead for Private Adrian Soonn.

2 ABY Conflicts[]

By 2 ABY, Adrian was now a Sergeant. Ace had been promoted to Major and Charger and Gunner to Captain. They had also requested for a new addition to the squad. The Alliance gave them two. Two brothers named Kryl and Taran Chloyne. Both were fairly young being just a bit older then Adrian and both were also Sergeants.

As Riot Squads's popularity was rising, an old ghost from the past came back to Adrian. While on a mission to Hutta, Riot Squad was captured by the Bounty Hunter's Guild. They were interogated by the leader thousands of times. All through them, Adrian maintained the fear that they would recognize him as he had been a member years ago. He didn't dare mention this to his fellow squad mates. But then, one day, he met the most unlikely person. His cousin Terk.


Terk had been sent to convince Adrian to give them the coordinates to the Alliance base. Even though he was his cousin, Adrian refused which made Terk torture him. Saddened that his cousin had become like this, Adrian apologized to Terk for dragging him off Tatooine. Terk only laughed.

3 weeks later, Riot Squad still had not broke and Terk was getting angry. He had been recently promoted to leader of the Bounty Hunter Guild after the other leader died. Soon after, Adrian received news that one of his squad had finally cracked. Terk mocked him by not telling him who it was. He then told his cousin that he was going to auction off Riot Squad to the Empire for more credits. As he left, Adrian was able to stick his foot in the way preventing the cell from closing. He pick locked the chains and escaped. He then proceeded to free the rest of his squad and escape Hutta.

The Bounty Hunter Plot[]

Stealing a ship, Riot Squad made for Hoth. On the way, they discussed who could be the traitor among them. Nobody was above suspicion as all could have different motives. Arriving back on Hoth, Riot Squad met with High Command and informed them of the events. Leia Organa Solo and the rest of Command were not worried as they were Bounty Hunters. Moments after, alarms sounded. The Guild had attacked the Alliance base.

Skirmish on Hoth[]

As the Guild attacked Hoth, Leia wondered why they would do this. Adrian explained that Terk was probably the mastermind. Instead of being sent to the front lines, General Willard assigned Riot Squad to weed out the traitor who had transmitted the coordinates to the base. He later pulled Adrian aside and told him to find out which Riot member cracked which Adrian reluctantly accepted.

First, they investigated the comm room where they interviewed all workers their. After a long days work which was frequently interupted by attacks, Riot Squad was unsuccessful. It was then that Adrian discovered the traitor. He caught Taran tapping in a code on his transmitter. Tackling him, Adrian demanded to know what the code was and who he was sending it to. Taran said that he was informing High Command of their results. Everyone else believed him except for Adrian who kept an eye on him.

As Adrian and the squad made their way to battle, the Guild inflitrated Echo Base led by none other then Terk. Adrian personally confronted him and a duel sparked between the two cousins. Terk charged toward him with his vibroblade and lunged at Adrian who ducked and rolled whipping out his blaster and shooting at Terk's side. Terk yelled and swung the blade at Adrian's face. Adrian ducked and tackled his cousin knocking the blade to the ground. After a brief exchange of hand to hand combat, Terk kicked Adrian in the chest knocking him off his feet. Terk drew a knife and stabbed Adrian in the side. Yelling in pain, Adrian fell blacking out.

When he awoke he was in the medical center with Gunner watching over him. Gunner explained that Adrian would recover but since the blade was so close to the heart plus he had been kicked their before, it would take a year for Adrian to recover fully. When Adrian asked of the whereabouts of the other squad mates, Gunner frowned and said that Adrian had been right. Taran had been the traitor and was caught slicing into the databanks and stealing information. He was now in trial with the rest of his squad. The Bounty Hunter's Guild had fled and High Command suspected that the Empire was involved. Laying back, Adrian went to sleep.


During the year he spent in the hospital, his squad visited him requlary to tell him of their exploits. The replacement of Saran was named Crysta Rhen, the first and only girl to join Riot Squad. Kryl was still shocked at how his brother had betrayed him and Adrian assured him that Taran would come to his senses and see that dealing with the Empire has consequences.

A year later, in 3 ABY just a day before Adrian was scheduled to return to the field, Echo Base was attacked by the Empire. Riot Squad was on the defensive when Adrian along with other patients was evacuated to the medical transport.

However, the Empire boarded the transport and killed the pilots. Adrian was able to lead the other injured to safety. While hiding he devised a plan to lure the stormtroopers into the reactor. Adrian would distract them while someone else planted the charges. The others would then make their way off the ship onto a mini transport ship in the hangar. Adrian would then detonate the ship whether he was inside or not.

The plan was almost a success. On his way to the transport ship, Adrian was ambushed by reinforcements. Holding them off, the others yelled for Adrian to come but Adrian refused. He told them to get off the ship and they reluctantly accepted. Adrian then detonated the charges and the ship exploded.


Days after the injured returned to the Rebel fleet, Adrian was presumed dead and was a martyr. However, Adrian showed up alive and well having just barely escaped by fleeing on a TIE Fighter.

Reunited with Riot Squad who had just returned from a dangerous scouting mission, they were all summoned by Princess Leia to the War Room. For his actions, Adrian was awarded a medal and his squad was promoted. However, Ace was promoted to Colonel which meant he had to leave Riot Squad. They were all saddened but were happy for Ace. Command was given over to Gunner who had been Ace's XO. Charger stayed at the rank of Captain for now, Adrian and Kryl were promoted to Lieutenants. Both declined to lead their own squads. Crysta was promoted to Sergeant. Unexpectdedly, Taran was allowed to rejoin the squad but as a Private. All were distrustful of him even his own brother Kryl. Taran promised to prove that he belonged back in the squad.

3 ABY Conflicts[]

The Bounty Hunter Plot Part 2[]

At their new base on Sullust, High Command sent Riot Squad to uncover the mystery behind the Bounty Hunter Guild's attack on Hoth. The seasoned veterans located the new base on the planet of Mustafar. Due to past complications, Gunner told Taran to stay with the ship.

They were surprised that the Hunters let them inside. Riot Squad met with Terk who sneered at them. Gunner asked why would the Bounty Hunter Guild attack the Rebel Base. Unexpectedley, Terk flinched and looked scared. Suddenly feeling sorry for his cousin, Adrian promised he would protect Terk from harm. Terk admitted that the Empire had payed big money for them to attack and report on the Rebel's whereabouts. However when things did not go according to plan, the Empire punished Terk severely telling him if he revealed any of this, he would be killed. He then revealed there was more to the plot. Now the Empire was interested in certain data about defecting stormtroopers. In short, they wanted to know the whereabouts of any stormtroopers that defected for an unknown reason. At this, Gunner and Charger tensed. They recoiled once Terk told them that they were after Ace.

They had hired the bounty hunters to capture Ace but Terk had refused. Now the Empire was going to destroy the Guild and Terk was afraid. Adrian could not guarentee portection but assured him everything would be fine. Terk revealed one last thing. That there was an Imperial spy in the Alliance. Before Terk could reveal who it was, there was an explosion as the Empire invaded the base.

Protecting his cousin, Adrian immediantly started firing at the storm troopers. The Imperials pushed them outside on the platform where Adrian and Terk were separated. The leader of the attack stepped forward revealing himself to be none other then Taran. Taran was the Imperial spy and had deceived the Alliance. The two cousins raced forward engaging the two time traitor. Their duel took them all the way to the very edge of the platform where it collapsed. It soon became a fight for survival. Grabbing onto a chord, Adrian watched form afar as Terk battled Taran. However, Adrian noticed that the platform was sinking. Swinging on the rope, he grabbed onto Terk and swung onto the ground away from the lava. They watched as Taran screamed as he was engulfed in smoke as the platform went down.

Relieved that it was over, Adrian hugged his cousin saying he was sorry. Terk apologized as well. He then agreed to join the Alliance as the Guild was all but finished. At that moment, Taran appeared. His robes were smoking and his leg was bloodied from being on fire. Kicking Adrian aside, Taran tackled Terk to the edge of the ground but he managed to kick him off. As Terk advanced, Taran revealed a secret. He has the Force! He used it to push Terk into the lava. Screaming, Terk managed to grasp hold of a stick and pull himself out. However, the lower half of his body was on fire and it spread. Horrified, Adrian tried to help his cousin, but he was engulfed in flames. Angry, Adrian drew his blaster at the cackling Taran and shot him 6 times in the chest. As he fell injured, Adrian tossed him into the lava finally declaring him dead. However he did not expect Taran to survive and reappear years later. Devastated, Adrian left his flaming cousin on the planet. Reuniting with Riot Squad they left.

4 ABY Battles[]

A year later, Riot Squad had become the most famous squad in the Alliance. Gunner had left the squad after being reassigned to the fleet which led Charger to man the squad. Adrian was thrilled when he was made XO. Two more soldiers had joined the squad. One was Tyrel Kane and another was Flinn Torant.

Riot Squad also participated in the Battle of Endor personally led by Han Solo. The operation did not go according to plan and they were captured. But they were saved by the Ewoks and Riot Squad and Solo successfully destroyed the base. They then led a charge on the main Imperial base. As they captured it they witnessed the destruction of Death Star 2 to which they cheered and later took place in the celebrations. It was here that Adrian kissed fellow squad member Crysta Rhen which started the relationship between the two. After the battle, Charger was promoted to Colonel and Adrian to Major. Adrian had finally accomplished his dream.

Serving the New Republic (5 ABY- 27 ABY)[]

Last adventures with Riot Squad (5 ABY- 10 ABY[]

As a Major, like once every time before, Adrian was offered to lead more then just his squad. Initially he refused. He had no interest in leading armies only his squad. Over the course of his last years with Riot Squad, Adrian as given the offer several times and even a promotion to Colonel. Adrian only declined that offer to be with his lover Crysta who kept pushing him to accept.

Adrian had a number of adventures for the New Republic. Riot Squad, that is Adrian, Kryl, Crysta, Tyrel and Flinn were now a Alliance legend. The question now was could they do just as good for the Republic?

Adrian's squad was inducted into Ace's new fleet as he was now an Alliance General. Riot Squad was thrilled to be working again with Ace.

In 5 ABY, Riot Squad personally planned the liberation of the planet Utapau and played a big part in the battle as well.

In 7 ABY, Riot Squad participated in the Liberation of Coruscant from Ysanne Isard.They led the battle in the Galactic Market sector to cheers from the people of Coruscant. Riot Squad was awarded medals for their valiant service in the battle.

After numerous battles, Riot Squad was on leave in 9 ABY. Adrian took this opportunity to investigate Kryl. Adrian was curious and suspected that Kryl had the Force as well as his twin brother. Kryl denied the statement but he did seem unsure. Adrian took that as a yes. He did have the Force. Adrian meant to contact Luke Skywalker about it but was sidetracked when he was recalled from leave.

By 10 ABY the Empire wasn't backing down and Adrian was now a seasoned war veteran. Adrian had been receiving reports of both Taran and Terk's survival. Taran was rumoured to have joined the Empire and Terk was also rumoured to have joined the Empire. Adrian led Riot Squad to an unidentified Empire controlled world where he found Taran spearheading the occupation. Inflitrating the base determined to end the threat once and for all, Adrian and his squad confronted him only to find a monster. Taran had refused any outside cybernetics and his face was deformed and scarred. Terk was standing beside him also over 85% cybernetic. Taran had programmed Terk to obey him through a secret implant in his cybernetic body. After a gruesome fight, Kryl managed to kill his brother by Force pushing him out of a window. Standing over his cousin, Terk had regained control for a few minutes and begged Adrian to end his life. Silently crying, Adrian compiled. The threat of Taran was over.

The Life of a Leader (10 ABY- 25 ABY)[]

Promotion and Marriage[]

Returning from the mission, Adrian and Kryl discuss Kryl's force sensitivity. Adrian wanted Kryl to apprentice himself to Luke Skywalker. Kryl was still uncertain and to prove he was destined to be a Jedi, Adrian brought Riot Squad who all gave a speech on how Kryl should become a Jedi. Kryl finally accepted and parted ways with Adrian who promised they would meet and serve again.

The same day, Adrian was once again offered the promotion to Colonel. This time he accepted knowing that Crysta had the squad in good hands. Adrian now had command of a leigon. After getting settled with his men, Adrian spent the night with Crysta who had come to visit him. In the morning, he proposed and Crysta eagerly accepted.
