A poster made shortly following the speech, featuring the words "Never Again"
Admonitio ad Novam Rempublicam in Old Morsian, A Warning to the New Republic in Galactic Basic Standard, was a speech given by Morsian senator Pius Sar'tium to the New Republic Senate on the day of the Morsian Empire exiting the New Republic in 15 ABY. The speech was spoken after several weeks of daily hostilities in the Senate between the Morsian Empire and the Senate regarding military policies and the Military Disarmament Act. Eventually, the Morsian Empire decided that enough was enough and that it would leave the New Republic in the face of these, in their opinion, poor military decisions. The speech was spoken at the beginning of the days session and would be the final major speech from the Morsian Empire before their exit at the end of the day.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Morsian Empire sided with the New Republic against the Galactic Empire and was granted membership of the New Republic. During the war, and several years after, the Morsian Empire was a valued member of the New Republic thanks to their large and experienced military, as they were able to both chase down Imperial remnants across the galaxy as well as provide aid and support to war-torn planets, with garrison units and humanitarian aid.
However, the Morsian Empire and New Republic first butted heads several years prior to this speech being made, based around the Military Disarmament Act, which sought to demobilize the New Republic and severely reduce its military forces now that the Empire had been pacified and defeated. The Morsians argued that a reduction in military had been one of the causes of the Empire's rise to power in the first place, and that in multiple areas of the galaxy, Imperial presence could still be felt and encountered. Having the army for at least thirty years after the defeat of the Empire, they argued, would allow the Republic time to cement itself in the place of the Empire as well as properly pacify those planets still resisting New Republic rule.
The New Republic, on the other hand, were eager to appear as a beacon of peace, and to appear the opposite of the Empire. With the Sith no longer at the head of the galactic government, and military might no longer being the primary tool of rule, the New Republic argued that retaining a large force would make them seem too much like the Empire and potentially threaten a peaceful transition of power.
Multiple other issues soon arose and the two powers began to clash in the Senate more and more frequently, with tensions rising and the Morsian Empire becoming vilified in the eyes of planets who once saw them as heroes and liberators. Realising that the Republic was turning against them, the Morsians were quick to liken it to when they were cast out nearly 4,000 years prior by the previous Republic. After a few debates in the Morsian Senate, it was soon decided that the Morsian Empire would once again take their leave of the Republic, and this time for good. Making preparations, the Senate was nearly unified in their decision to permanently leave the Republic and unlike the last time, they promised they would not return, no matter what.
In 15 ABY, after several more clashes in the New Republic Senate, the representatives of the Morsian Empire entered the New Republic Senate chamber one last time and delivered their speech.
Speech transcript[]
Galactic Basic[]
To the gathered senators, representatives, and peoples of the galaxy, as the designated senator for the Morsian Empire, I bring you a promise and a warning. Following the many weeks of daily hostilities around your poor decision making, I am here to announce that the Morsian Empire will be withdrawing from the New Republic. Permanently. This marks the end of the new era, the end of Morsian support in Republic and the beginning of the end of the New Republic.
The promise I bring is that as long as the hourglass of time continues to turn, we will never again join a Republic, no matter how dire a peril the galaxy is in, no matter how much you beg, crawl, and grovel for our forgiveness and return, no matter how much you promise us in return, we have made a decision and that decision is final. We are withdrawing from the Republic, on our terms, and unlike four thousand years ago, we are never returning to the Galactic Senate or wider Republic no matter the promises or offers made.
We also bring a warning, the warning of a new war, one which will dissolve the New Republic. This war will not come from us. Instead it will come from your stupid military policies. Your policy of disarmament will result in the fall of the New Republic, your pitiful military force will become a beacon for hate and resentment against your government, a symbol of weakness and softness, proving that the Republic is too pitiful to properly protect the galaxy.
If you continue on your current path, the Republic is destined for an early grave, with many of you joining it.
This will be the last Senate session we partake in, the Morsian Empire will have left the Republic by the end of the day, and you’re on your own.
May the Old Gods have mercy on you all.'—Pius Sar'tium
Old Morsian[]
Ad senatores collectos, legatos, populos galaxia, ut designatus senator pro Imperium Morsianum, affero tibi fidem et monitum. Post multas septimanas cotidie hostilitates circa consilium tuum pauperem faciendum, adsum nuntiare Imperium Morsianum a Novam Republicam discessurum iri. Constantius. Hic finis est novae aetatis, finis Morsian subsidii in Republica et initium finis Novam Reipublicam.
Promissionem affero quod, quandiu tempus vertere pergit, numquam iterum rempublicam iungemus, quamvis triste periculum galaxia sit, quantumcumque petis, repimus ac noetris ad veniam ac veniamus. redde, quantumcumque nobis vicissim promisisti, nos decrevisse et id finale esse. Nos a re publica subtrahimus, ac dissimiles ante annos quattuor milia, numquam ad Senatum Galacticum neque ampliorem rempublicam regredimur, utcumque promissiones vel oblationes factas.
Addimus etiam monitum, monitum novi belli, quod Novam Republicam dissolvet. Hoc bellum a nobis non veniet. Sed ex stolis militaribus consiliis veniet. Tuum consilium aegritudinis in Novae Reipublicae lapsu eveniet, tua misera vis militaris odisse ac odii contra imperium tuum signum fiet, infirmitatis ac mollitiei symbolum, probans rempublicam nimis miserabilem esse ad galaxiae recte tuendam.
Si pergas in currenti via, Respublica mature sepulchrum destinata est, cum multis ex te coniungendis.
Haec postrema sessione quam participamus, Imperium Morsianum rempublicam fine diei relinquet, et tu in tuo.
Misereatur tui Diis omnibus—Pius Sar'tium
The New Republic Senate was divided on what to make of the speech. Some were unfazed by the exit of the Morsian Empire, while others were vocal in their disdain for the Morsians and fully supporting them leaving the New Republic. Others, however, were silent and thoughtful, reconsidering their stance on them. Few were supportive of them, verbally backing them to remain in the Senate and New Republic, changing their stance and apologising for their mistreatment of the Morsians. Most others, however, were silent, not supporting either side.
True to their word, at the end of the session that day, the Morsian senators cleared out their quarters, packed everything up and left the Senate with their guards. All Morsian presence in the New Republic Senate had gone by the morning, and the following session was awkward from the open gap caused by the Morsian Empire.
Within the Morsian Empire itself, the mood was sombre as the truth set in that they were once again on their own. The brief time they were in the New Republic was joyful, but the Republic turning against them had lowered the mood considerably. For several weeks after the event, low mood in the Senate was rife until new issues presented themselves and the exit from the Republic became a memory.
The Morsians stuck to their word with never returning to the Republic, as several attempts were made to get them to rejoin, but they held firm and refused to break their promise. However, they retained some relations with the New Republic, with favorable trade deals and military operations, and they continued to operate their humanitarian aid missions and anti-piracy patrols on behalf of the New Republic.
Some of their warnings to the New Republic came true as well, with the rise and appearance of the First Order and the following destruction of the New Republic capital. The Morsians took little joy from it, however, and instead directed their accumulated anger at the First Order, mounting campaigns against it with the Morsian-First Order War.