Admir's father was a scrapper who ran a mobile droid part recycling business out of his ship the Command Center. He started the business shortly after the Clone Wars ended in the light that there was so many droids to be cleaned up. He hired lots of scrappers over the years to help run his business, including his son Admir Bano. The people came and went, and the people he sold to changed over time as well. In the year 0 BBY he received a tip from a business competitor about a large droid foundry that had been abandoned after the Clone wars that had just opened up on Geonosis. For a long time that planet had been off limits by the Empire's decree. He brought his crew to the planet so they could begin to excavate the factory before anyone else got there.
A bounty hunter's ship boarded the Command Center and a crew of bounty hunters killed a lot of the people on board. Grenades were used to do more damage than was necessary. Admir's father was killed on the bridge of the ship by the bounty hunters. The effect of the grenades caused a larger explosion on the ship than could be contained. Some of the crew escaped onto the surface of the planet, but the ship exploded and crashed down to the surface. The escaped crew was then hunted down and killed by the bounty hunters too.
Behind the scenes[]
Created by Joseph Cain to be a character in Secret Wars: Part 1