Adi Gallia was the best Padawan I ever trained
—Mace talks about Gallia
Adi Gallia was a female Jedi Master who survived Order 66.
Early life[]
I am Mace Windu and this is my Master, Eeth Koth.
—Mace introduces Koth to Gallia
Born on Nar Shaddaa, Gallia was mentored by a bounty hunter named Idorr Arama. Idorr taught Gallia much about fighting with a blaster and the girl learned well from him. One day, Idorr was killed by Trandoshan thugs in a cantina. Gallia was shocked and she Force pushed the thugs into a wall and used her mentor's blaster to kill the thugs. As Gallia made her way home. she was attacked by some other members of the gang, but a violet lightsaber plunged through the heart of the first thug, then the next was decapitated by a green lightsaber. Two Jedi were there and the first Jedi introduced himself as Mace Windu; Mace saw back in the cantina that she was Force-sensitive and took her as an apprentice.
Training under Mace Windu[]
In 41 BBY, Adi Gallia was still a young Padawan at the age of 13, but Master Windu knew she would become a Jedi Master at a young age. Gallia would often socialize with other Jedi Padawans and talk about her training in her spare time. Eventually, Gallia took an interest in going to the duel chambers and dueling opponents; she easily won her duels and was undefeated until a Jedi Knight wished to duel her. As her blue bladed lightsaber clashed up against the knight's yellow and blue dual-blade lightsaber, Gallia was in trouble, but using what Mace had taught her, she took up the Soresu stance and continued on and eventually won the duel.
Search for the black market[]
At the age of 14 Adi Gallia was sent on her first major mission with her master Mace Windu to her homeworld of Nar Shaddaa to find Black Market Assault Droids, as Gallia and Windu entered the shuttle they realized someone had tampered with the engines, somebody didn't want them to find out about the Black Market, as they left the shuttle they told the Jedi Council of the tampering, however Jedi Master Pau Kresem said he would fix it as they ran after him it was too late and the shuttle exploded and Master Kresem was killed, as their new shuttle was prepped they took off for Nar Shaddaa as they arrived in the Refugee Sector they were attacked by a Mandalorian wearing Yellow Armor, as Gallia and Windu blocked the fire Gallia jumped and lashed at the Mandalorian however when she struck the Mandalorian she accidently impaled him, Gallia then interrogated the critically wounded Mandalorian he told them the location of the hidden factory, as they arrived at the hidden factory using a Swoop Bike they entered the Factory where they encountered a Trandoshan Guard, the Trandoshan blasted them but Windu blocked the fire and Gallia was able to sneak behind him and impale him, as they went into the depths of the Factory they found the control for the droids, as they flipped it off they were encountered by another Mandalorian named "Jango Fett", as the 2 lashed into combat against him Jango used his flamethrower on Windu nearly burning off his Jedi Robe as the duel went on, Fett knew he had to leave Fett kicked Windu to the ground used his jetpack and quickly left the factory as Windu and Gallia arrived back on Coruscant they told the Jedi High Council of their deed on Nar Shaddaa.

Gallia's brief Sith Master "Darth Maul".
Mission to Mustafar[]
Gallia you don't get that the Republic will kill off the Jedi!
— Darth Maul corrupts Gallia
In 37 BBY Adi Gallia was finally knighted, then in 35 BBY at a young age Gallia became a Jedi Master, as her first assignment Gallia and her former master Mace Windu were sent to check up on Mining operations on Mustafar as they made it to the Central Claw, they were ambushed by a Mysterious Sith Lord, as they both dueled him he revealed himself to be Darth Maul, as the duel went on he slashed Windu across the chest and slashed Gallia across the chest, Maul took them prisoner and eventually corrupted Gallia by clouding her mind with visions of the Great Jedi Purge, Gallia was corrupted, Maul told her to strike down Windu because he is with the Republic, Gallia redeeming herself slashed Maul the neck, nearly decapiting him, Maul then ran off, Windu told Gallia to deny the existence of the Sith to keep her secret.

The Fall of the Alpha Echo Legion.
Battle of Geonosis[]
During the Battle of Geonosis, Gallia was sent to Kamino with Master Yoda to get the Clone Troopers, as she arrived on Geonosis with the Clones, she led the Legion known as the Alpha Echo Legion, as the Battle led on Alpha Echo was falling fast, quickly the 4 surviving members went into a Cave with Gallia to re-energize the 4 Clones, Raven, Jo, Pos, and Faulter were out of breath, but a few seconds later a Geonosian hiding shot and killed Jo with a Lok cannon, the 4 quickly made their escape as they rejoined the battle the 501st legion arrived, giving them extra fire power, but as the battle raged on Pos and Faulter were killed by Droidekas, Gallia quickly lashed back at the droids, after a month of fighting the aftermath the remaining Clones and Gallia headed back to Coruscant, where Raven was made Commander Raven.T

Gallia's cousin Stass Allie.
Battle of Dagohbah[]
We have to leave before Grievous...
—Eeth Koth's last words
In 20 BBY Adi Gallia and a number of other Jedi were sent to Dagohbah to destroy Grievous's Droid Factory as the 5 Jedi Arrived, Eeth Koth, Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, Tojim Feth, and Coleman Kcaj the 5 Jedi Masters raced toward the west swamps, as they kept going they were forced to take cover, as they kept making their way through the swamps Jedi Master Tojim blocked Droideka fire with his lightsaber, but eventually Tojim couldn't take any more and the Droidekas slayed the Bith Jedi Master, as the Battle raged on the 4 Jedi made their way into the factory, after destroying the factory, Eeth requested leaving the planet right away, but the Jedi Master's sentence was cut short as Grievous plunged a Lightsaber through his heart, the 3 remaining Jedi faced off against Grievous, as the duel raged on Gallia cut off Grievous's arms and legs, as they escaped with Eeth's body, Grievous struggled for help, as the 3 Jedi arrived back on Coruscant, Coleman Kcaj was made a Jedi High Council member to replace Koth, and Stass Allie, Gallia's cousin Stass Allie was put in place of Tejim.
Order 66[]
In 19 BBY Adi Gallia was sent to Taris to fight off invading forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems as Gallia fought bravely, She started to sense deception believing it to be nothing, Gallia continued on with the Battle of Taris, but as the Battle continued she sensed more deception, Gallia realized what was happening and knew what was going to happen to the Jedi Order, as Gallia heard the words "Execute Order 66" She leaped up behind her troopers and plunged a lightsaber through Commander Raven's heart as she continued to slaughter the Clones she made a fast escape from Taris, as she got into the cockpit of her 170 she pulled back on the lever and escaped from Taris.
Adi Gallia eventually went to her deceased Master's homeworld of Haruun Kal, where she met the last living member of Ghosh Windu, Kar Vastor who had been tainted by the Dark Side of the force, Gallia redeemed Vastor, and eventually Kar joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Adi then left Haruun Kal to go join the Bounty Hunter's Guild on Nar Shaddaa, as Gallia arrived back on Nar Shaddaa she met up with Jyu Loppak, a member of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, Jyu then opened the door allowing Gallia to arrive in Borras the Hutt's throne room, as she arrived and pledged herself to the Bounty Hunter's Guild, Borras knowing Gallia is a Jedi allowed her to do assassinate someone who is not just a deadbeat who owes Borras money, Borras allowed Gallia to assassinate local crime lord Hubara Kang, Gallia bowed down and eventually went to Kang's compound east of the Koivai Cantina, as Gallia broke into the compound, Gallia took out her Blaster Pistol then loaded it with a poison Dart, as she fired the Dart, it hit Hubara's neck she made her escape, but however her escape was thwarted by Hubara's Rodian Bodyguards, Gallia took out her lightsaber then impaled the one rodian as she released it from his heart she decapitated the second Rodian, as she arrived back to Borras, he brought her into the Bounty Hunter's Guild.
Joining the Rebel Alliance[]
You put the Jedi through hell Vader!
—Adi Gallia confronts Vader
In 2 BBY Adi Gallia realized that to defeat the Empire she needed to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic as she joined them she was sent to Saluecami to destroy the Imperial Outpost located on the planet as the Rebel fleet arrived out of Hyperspace a major battle happened above the grassy world, as Gallia broke through enemy lines with her Y-Wing she was able to lead a Rebel Squadron down to Saleucami, as they arrived, Captain Gallia was to hold back the Imperial Army until more troops could arrive, as no troops arrived Gallia went against her orders and moved forward and made her way into the outpost, but as she arrived in the outpost, Darth Vader had been waiting for Gallia, Vader lashed at Gallia who lashed back, Gallia leaped up in the air, and attacked him although that attack had been thwarted by the Dark Lord of the Sith, as the 2 dueled farther into the base they made there way into an Imperial Shaft as Gallia lashed at Vader, Vader lashed back at Gallia with Makashi, mataching the attack Gallia used Soresu to block it then used Form II to attack Vader cutting off his hand, Gallia took him prisoner, and destroyed the outpost, Gallia was honored by the Rebellion for both capturing Vader and for destroying the outpost Gallia was promoted to Major giving her leadership of the Rebel Army.
Battle of Yavin IV[]
During the Battle of Yavin IV, Adi Gallia Battle Meditated to aid the Rebel Fleet, her Battle Meditation led the Rebel Alliance to Victory

Adi Gallia meditates during the Battle of Yavin.
while destroying the first Death Star, during the aftermath Gallia sensed the Empire attack Yavin, she told the other members to leave while she and a team of Rebel Troops hold off the Imperial Army, as the Battle of Yavin raged on Gallia and a lone rebel trooper were able to hold off a huge amount of the Empire, but eventually just as the Rebels escaped a Scout Trooper sniped the Rebel Trooper and Adi Gallia escaped from the Battle of Yavin IV, while the Empire conquered Yavin IV.
Mission to Kashyyyk[]
A month after the Battle of Yavin IV, Gallia was sent by Rebel Senator, Giddean Danu to overthrow the Imperial Leaders there, as she arrived she noticed a wookie about to be executed, Gallia lashed into combat and killed the 2 Imperial Captains the Wookiee swore a life-debt to Gallia and the 2 continued freeing other Wookiees, as the 2 gathered enough Wookie slaves, the Wookiees rebelled and led into an invasion of Kashyyyk for the Rebellion, as the Battle continued Gallia made her way into the Imperial base with the Wookiee as they overthrew the entire Imperial Base, The Rebellion were able to destroy the Base and free Kashyyyk from the Empire, the wookiee then introduced himself as Eugroothwa.
Korriban Civil War[]
Eventually Gallia was sent to Korriban to signal the Rebellion fleet as she arrived on Korriban she was able to secretly land inside the Shyrack caves as she got out of the cockpit of her Y-Wing she was swarmed by Shyracks as she took out her blue-bladed lightsaber she slashed at the Shyracks and cut one's wing off she continued fighting and drove one last blow to the mother, thinking them all to be dead, Gallia continued on but was shortly attacked by Shyrack Hatchlings, as she used Form X she was able to kill all Shyracks in a single blow, as she quickly mad her exit from the caves she made her way into the Valley of the Dark Lords, she sent off a flair in the Tomb of Tulak Hord signalling the Rebel fleet, after setting off the flair Tulak's spirit tried to posess her, Adi struggled but was able to fight it off, as the Signal went off, Gallia and the Rebels attacked the Imperial Outpost as the Battle raged on Adi brother Dessie joined the battle and the battle was being won by the Empire, but quickly after the Sith turned on the Empire and fought each other leading to the sides tearing each other apart, as the Battle raged on the Sith exterminated the Imperial influence on the World, the Sith nearly defeated the Rebellion but Adi was able to fight the Sith with the remaining Rebels, and fought off the Dark Forces of the Sith, Gallia was honored for her bravery in the Battle and her role in the victory.
First Battle of Tython[]
As the war spread more and more Rebel planets fell into Sidous's grip, the Jedi world of Tython was holding a secret meeting for the survivors of the Great Jedi Purge Vader sensed it and brought an invasion army to Tython as the council met Gallia sensed the Empire coming she warned the Council and they prepared, Quinlan Vos stood by the Temple fountain starting the massacre Vader decapitated Vos with his lightsaber and the Battle began. The Battle of Tython continued for hours as Gallia fought a Stormtrooper she witnessed Jedi Master Rahm Kota get killed Shadowtroopers as Gallia kept fighting she witnessed more Jedi falling to the massacre. Adi saw only one Jedi left the clone of Galen Marek, Adi was to involved in a fight with 2 Shadow Guards and could not help but as she impaled the first Shadow Guard and then decapitated the second Shadow Guard she moved in to help Marek's clone, but Gallia was to late and the 2 Stormtroopers cut down the Clone, Gallia killed the Stormtroopers and was able to escape before confronting Darth Vader.