Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Early Life 65 BBY - 59 BBY[]

Rizono Neptuso was born in 65 BBY on Naboo to 2 peasents. His father served the Queen, and his mother took care of their home. In 63 BBY, the Jedi took him in. He was a very well versed student, and learned the basic form 1 at a very young age. Not much else is known about his early life, due to the destruction of his file during Order 66.

Beginnings as a Padawan[]

In 55 BBY, he was taken in by Master Choi Shezenzi as his Padawan. Due to Shezenzis complete mastery of Makashi, and Djem So, he passed it on to his Padawan. Shezenzis tough training regime was extremly tough on the young Padawan, so he was hardened quickly into a fearless warrior of the light. The regime was known to contain extreme focus on lightsaber combat, and Athletic training, so he was extremly athletically gifted, and knew everything you need to know about a lightsaber and more. He was trained to resist pain, and to not flinch at anything. The missions Master Shezenzi brought him on, were all designed to make him face his worst fears, head on. He fought countless Gorogs, was involved in lightsaber combat against real sith lords, and apprentices, and resisted STRONG lure to turn to the Dark Side many times.

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As a Padawan

Knighthood and becoming a Master[]

In 44 BBY, he was knighted as a Jedi Knight. What is known is, he was to busy with missions all across the Galaxy to take a Padawan, but he did. All that is known about this time is, he became very powerful, and trained his padawn into a Jedi Knight. Soon after his padawan was knighted he was named a master.


In 39 BBY, he was exiled by the Jedi Order for slaughtering an entire village of Muns out of anger. From that moment on, he hated the Jedi, but still maintained his hatred for the Sith. His hatred however, did grant him powers that Dark Siders do have, such as force lightning, and force crush. Although, he rarely ever used either force lightning, or force crush seeing it as uncivilized, and unatural. He was a very prominant Jedi Hunter during the Clone Wars, and slaughtered Countless Jedi Padawans, Knights, and even a couple of Masters. He did however, also fight and defeat Asajj Ventress and almost killed her, but she escaped due to interference from battle droids. 

Order 66[]

Even after his leave from the Jedi, Lord Sidious saw him as a thorn in his side, and ordered the Clones to find and kill him, but the Clones failed, and he hid. 

Galactic Empire Era[]

In 4 BBY, he came out of exile and resumed killing fugitive Jedi, and thousands apon thousands of storm troopers. He encountered Galen Marek for a brief minute, but created a force mist around him, which made it so people could not sense his force sensitivity, or read his mind. Before the clone Starkiller was created, another Galen Marek clone was made, and never seen again due to him engaging it, and striking it down.

New Republic Era[]

Bounties were at an all time high, due to the massive rise of jedi population, so he cashed in and killed many New Republic Jedi. During a breif confrontation with Luke Skywalker, he was killed.

Dark Side Obi Wan Kenobi by soulbrother73

Before his death
