Ada was a female Human slave who was in league with the Black Vulkar base on Taris during the Jedi Civil War. She was saved by Raze Abren, secretly known as Revan, and his team: Revan, Onasi, Gurragann, Benkins, Lancoln, Mission, Zaalbar, Kalisch, and Shaleena. Ada decided to join them, because she owed them a life debt. After Brejik was killed by Revan and Bastilia, she and Shaleena went to get supplies as part of the plan while Revan devised a plan ordered by Canderous Ordo to attack and infiltrate a Sith Military Base. While this happened and the Sith invaded Taris, Ada and Shaleena managed to survive the bombings but witnessed may people die at the hands of the Sith due to Darth Malak's schemes. However, she and Shaleena managed to save a young female child named Marla and soon Revan had 17 companions leaving Taris.
She joined the crew of the Ebon Hawk following her encounter with Revan and the destruction of Taris and was a vital member of Revan's crew in the search for the Star Forge and the triumph of the Galactic Republic over the Sith Empire at the Battle of Rakata Prime. However, this mission onto the Star Forge would prove to be her last she was killed at the hands of Darth Malak's forces. One of the Sith Troopers, Jry Holoc, a Captain of the unit killed Ada although he was actually aimed at Marla. Ada died to save Marla and her friend Shaleena. Her death wasn't in vain, and she was recognized as a hero for saving her appoptive child and her friend Shaleena.
Early Life[]
The Human female Ada was born to Borvan Tampell in 3975 BBY on Taris, her father owed money to Davik Kang, which he at the time was unable to make ends meet Davik had her father Borvan killed and sold Ada into slavery to cover the debt, around 3947 she was sold into slavery shortly after her father was murdered by Davik Kang, she however ended up in servitude to the Black Vulkars. She however was gravely mistreated by them as a result, which she described being "pawed and groped and kicked and spit on",
Apparently however she was unfortunate that Redros one of the Kadas'sa'Nikto's and best swoop racer of all bullied Ada Tampell as a result calling her mean names, apparently though this was the main result that Ada had been picked on had her father not died and paied Davik Kang she wouldn't be in slavery as a result, Kandon Ark one of the chief lieutenants in charge of the swoop garage however picked on Ada also calling her a sleemo which was a nasty word he used, Brejik the leader of the Black Vulkars also used to yell and would often treat Ada badly, apparently he called her a toy and would often say hurtful things which was very nasty for Ada to be hurt for, she also had to serve food and also drinks in the base as she was forced under her own will,
Jedi Civil War[]
Things soon would change and in 3956 BBY, at 21 years of age would change her life, after a Hammerhead-class crusier the Endar Spire was caught in an attack above Taris which was attacked by forced led by Darth Bandon himself attacked the Endar Spire also however killing a majorty of nemours soldiers on board, including Captain Vane Grash the man in charge of the ship, and numerous members, all excluding Raze Abren, Carth Onasi, Bastilia Shan, Captain Hugo Gurragann (secretly a Sith Spy), Corporal First Class Dak Benkins, Private's J'aahn Lancoln, and Figrin Kalisch whom where the only survivors from the Endar Spire found themselves on Taris, which soon after finding contact with the Hidden Beks's and receiving help from a Twi'lek named Mission Vao and a Wookiee named Zaalbar, and rescuing both Captain Hugo Gurragann, and Private Figrin Kalisch and an Outcast young woman named Shaleena, joined them in the search for Bastila Shan whom was actually taken as a slave also was in a mission to get into the Black Vulkar Base throught the sewers past a Racor as well, Revan and his companions raided the Black Vulkar Base killing many of the Vulkar gang, Revan came across Ada whom whom told Revan how she was mistreated by the Black Vulkars, she however agreed to aid Raze in search for Bastila Shan, and they also freed a Twi'lek Vulkar who said he didn't like the direction Brejik was taking his gang, however though Ada and the team stormed the base and also confronted Kandon Ark and three of his bodyguards whom was trying to let Raze side with him to turn against Gadon Thek, Logan refused which the fight broke out and Ada however kicked Kandon's dead body as a result, eventually they collected the Swoop prototype accelerator and returned it to Gadon,
When they arrived at the Hidden Bek Base, Gadon was amazed at Raze's return that he collected the Protoype Accelerator and amazed that some more companions had joined, including Gurragann, Kalisch, Shaleena, and Ada with them, apparently Ada was terrified that after a long life with the Hidden Bek's how can she now survive, apparently though however Gadon ensured that she will be okay and that they can return to the South Apartments in the upper city to hide from Brejik and his gang,
After Raze freed Bastila Shan and now with a team of 11 companions, however Bastila was amazed by the fact they was joined by people they didn't know, however she had to accecpt the fact that Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Shaleena, and Ada was with them in the group, they had to make a plan to escape Taris, haing only come to consensus to keep searching, she and the party left the apartment looking for a way off the planet, Upon leaving the apartment, Ada and the team was approached by a Twi'lek messenger sent by a Mandalorian Mercenary named Canderous Ordo. Ordo requested that Raze meet him in Havyar's Cantina for he had an offer that Raze "couldn't refuse". Ada and the team travelled to the Lower City Cantina and met with the mercenary, Impressed with Revan's victory in the Season Opener and the ensuing skirmish, the Mandalorian thought the soldier was a perfect fit for his own goal of fleeing Taris, Ordo said that he could provide a ship to leave the planet if Revan could provide the blockade codes from the Sith Military Base. Due to the blockade of Taris as a problem any vessel without the proper clearance codes would not be allowed to leave the Tarisian system. According to the mercenary, once the codes were brought to him, Raze and his team would be able to use the flagship of crime lord Davik Kang, the Ebon Hawk. as a means of escaping the planet. Further explaining the plans, Ordo mentioned that the Sith Base had a special security system that would require an Astromech Droid to unlock and open, The Mandalorian told Revan to speak to Janice Nall a Twi'lek droid builder in the Upper City, and to say that Canderous Ordo had sent him. By mentioning Ordo's name the mercenary assumed that Revan would be able to easily acquire the pre-ordered droid from Nall. This droid had originally been ordered by Kang and was available for pickup. Seeing no other alternative, Raze agreed to the scheme and departed the cantina.
Eventually however Raze and his companions went to meet Janice Nall at her droid shop and spoke to her about the astromech droid Ordo mentioned on getting for Davik Kang, telling Nall that Ordo sent him to collect the droid which she agreed to sell the droid to him for 2000 credits, Raze purchased T3-M4 from Nall and proceeded to the military base.
T3-M4 the newly purchased astromech droid used his skills against security systems and opened the min door to the military base. however Revan known as Raze told Ada and Shaleena to get supplies from Market Street and Zelka Forn's medical facility where republic supporter Doctor Zelka Forn gave many medical supplies and also Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium after talking to Kebla Yurt she offered them many grenades and weapons however many of the people in the Upper City where very helpful even for Ada and Shaleena while Revan was taking the Sith Military Base, Ada and Shaleena brought lots of goods as well and paid many credits on them, right until very much so Revan took Davik Kang's estate along with Canderous, and many others which apparently prior to the bombing of Taris occurred which as a result began as Revan and his companions took the docking bay in the hangar which prior to this that happened Davik Kang was killed, but bounty hunter Calo Nord however was thought to be dead but actually escaped the bombardment of the planet, they had the Ebon Hawk captured with them,
As the Sith led by Darth Malak attacked the planet firing on many buildings and it also killed billions of lives, Ada and Shaleena managed to grad not all of the supplies got in time to the Ebon Hawk but they managed to grad a sack what was left of the last ones, most of them where lost in the escape, they managed to run throught the Upper City and took cover behind some debris fallen as shelter which apparently Ada saw lots of people die and be killed eventually she witnessed many people die men women and children among them and nearly almost all civilians, even so however Sith Soldier where also killed by accidental friendly fire which happened neither was contacted, half of the Sith Soldiers that where in an attempt from patrols to survive half made it to the elevators which to the lower city or the undercity but although they as well took lots of transports to leave countless of civillians to die in the destruction of Taris, Ada however witnessed one Sith soldier try to kill a civilian with a weapon but however a debris also bungled the sith soldier to death allowing a man named Largo whom was a merchant living on Taris to live, Largo survived and apparently mate it out alive which all Ada was able to remember she saw Largo live, in the midst they eventually however where on the way to Davik Kang's estate after message was recived but however suddenly Ada witnessed a young child named Marla however survive but her parents where both killed all was left was the young child left and however she was almost killed until Ada managed to save her life from a nearby ricochet lazer cannon that from space was just about to hit Marla's postion thanks to Ada saving her life, she was introduced to Marla and asked her where her parents where which she replied they're gone and never seen again, Ada had to take Marla with her as she lost her mother and father in the destruction, however though all wasn't as going well as they took a transport to the exchange, eventually though things went wrong as many other people running with Ada all died as they attempted to head and break into Davik Kang's estate, apparently most of the people with Ada either died as pre explosions in the estate to the front entrance killing many, or by what was left of Kang's guards also killed many others, however only Ada, Shaleena, Marla, a pazaak player Niklos, Jergan, Garouk a former professional gambler and also pazzak player, Bib Surool a green Twi'lek manager for the Starlight Entertainers, Lyn Sekla a Twi'lek dancer who wanted to get off Taris, and an Ithorian named Kimm Vaqihl and two young Tarisian Dueling Fans, Churt Stolace and Roxxane Estrol and a Mandalorian Neo-Crusader named Gorse Bendak also known as the "Bendak Starkiller" where the only ones left with Ada, even so they managed to fight they're way through the Estate but although however things went wrong soon a squad of Sith Troopers arrived they also killed Davik Kang's surviving guards where all killed, the Sith Troops led by patrol Sergeant Krinch however raided the estate trying to provent the civillians that where escaping but they did find numerous mortally wounded from the blast and Krinch killed off many civillans as murder, Ada and the rest managed to try survive but also however as Sith Troops started coming towards them apparently Jergan was shot, however he managed to stay behind and tell Ada and Shaleena that he will scrafice himself to buy Ada and the others time to escape, Ada agreed and let Jergan stay to delay the Sith Troops, eventually Jergan killed many of Krinch's troops but as Jergan was mortally wounded by Krinch and was almost to be killed another explosion hit the estate killing not only Jergan but also with him all the Sith Troops as well as Krinch, thankfully Ada, Shaleena, Marla, Niklos, Garouk, Surool, Sekla, Vaqihl, Stolace, Estrol, and Gorse where the only ones left managing to make it to the Ebon Hawk just in time, however while they made a run to the ship with what was left of the last supplies not all every supplies got on board, as they where just about to board Marla however was scared in fear until Republic soldier Corporal Dak Benkins helped Marla and got her on board the Ebon Hawk, Ada was also pleased to live but was deeply saddened of all the deaths now Taris was history, with 22 on board with recently joined Gez Ejai a young mercenary from the same mission in the Undercity with Ordo survived the ambush attack against the rakghouls previously in the search for Bastilia now joined the team with his aid,) and a former exchange member now betrayed by Davik, a pilot named Hudrow was acting as co-pilot for the Ebon Hawk, the 17 managed to escape Taris and leave the ruiens behind them once and for all right before the hanger blew up,
Attack on the Ebon Hawk[]
Oh Raze it's Taris, I just lost my home and my dad and I used to live their now no longer and now billions are dead because of the Sith's scheme."
"I know Ada but the Sith are going to pay for this."
"Much obliged Logan but where do we go now?"
"Bastila said we go to Dantooine to a Jedi Enclave which she says will be safe here."
"I see and what shall I do now we also have a child named Marla she's lost her family on Taris."
"You can always be a adoptive mother.
—Ada to Raze Abren/Revan on the Ebon Hawk after the Destruction of Taris
After gathering all of Revan's companions aboard the Ebon Hawk, Carth Onasi and Hudrow piloted the ship off the planet out of Taris and up its Gravity Well in spit of the sheets and of destructive energy raining down upon the surface as the bombardment continued. After leaving Taris the fleeing vessel soon encountered elements of the Sith fleet. as half-squadron of Sith fighters attacked the Hawk, it continued to flee the battle as Onasi, Hudrow, and Shan picked up enemy fighters. Onasi ordered Raze and Benkins to go up to the ship's dorsal-mounted Laser cannon turret which gave Onasi and Hudrow a window in which to eventually make the jump to hyperspace. The Ebon Hawk and its crew at Shan's urging, then fled to the Jedi Enclave n the grassy world of Dantooine. After their escape to hyperspace from the attack, however Benkins took a hit to the arm which left a small direct burn but was eventually bandaged and recovered. Ada however while on the vessel was also approached by Revan and however he spoke to her, Ada told Raze she was also sad to see Taris destroyed and was once her home she and her father used to live, but was thankful she was spared from slavery thanks to Revan and his escape plan, however after Benkins also helped out a young girl Marla who was sad however he took her to Ada and Benkins also asked Ada to look after Marla and she needs help and said to Ada that she would be like an adoptive mother almost,
Ada agreed to be like an adoptive mother looking after Marla since she lost her family back on Taris, however though for Marla she received help and also got to learn the ways of social life and stuff Ada also told Marla about how to meet people and also told her about herself how she ended up as a slave and also told Marla never to end up like that, she was like a mentor and teacher to Marla,
Upon arrival on Dantooine, Shan told everyone to remain on the Hawk while she left to speak with the Jedi Council. when she returned she conveyed the Council's request for a private audience, and Raze followed her to the Jedi Enclave,
As for Ada she also at the Jedi Enclave they also found a place to stay at and while at a room in the Enclave they also while their she had also been helping teach Marla everything, until Raze became a Jedi things would change also they acquired few new droids, a IT-series utility droid known as IT-43, and a new R-8009 utility droid named R9-009 and a GE-3 series protocol droid C9-E9 also for translation languages but he wasn't much use to others and only half, Ada got her chance to meet IT-43, R9-009, and C9-E9 in the family of the Ebon Hawk crew roster list,
Ada however did her job helping let Marla learn how to be social and later she trained her to use a blaster as well, apparently however this she learnt to not accidentally shoot someone but also learnt to stay on track not killing anyone and also shot many targets in practice, eventually also however the two other companions whom where Niklos, Garouk, Bib Surool, Lyn Sekla, Kimm Vaqihl, Churt Stolace and Roxxane Estrol and Gorse Bendak left the ship to have a new life on Dantooine, Niklos also said goodbye to Carth Onasi and the crew and Gorse said goodbye to Canderous Ordo saying he is the best Mandalorian Soldier ever and he had a new life ahead of him what Gorse had to do was move on with his life,
After the events where Raze helped many people on Dantooine such as the Sandral Family, and the Matale family, and also save a Jedi named Juhani whom nearly fell to the darkside, and investigated the murder of Calder Nettic as well, however though after they found the Rakatan ruins where Jedi Master Nemo died their but they also found the first Star Map that shows the other places the map is including Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan, and Korriban, after finding the first map and Raze returning to the Enclave it was when Jedi Master Zhar Lestin, and the rest of the council told Raze that his next mission is to find the Star Forge and it's location in the galaxy, however many of the companions where gathered up for the first journey, Juhani was also joining them after orders from the council requested her to join Revan's Ebon Hawk crew, the other two both Niklos and Gorse Bendak where not going with Revan though as they told they would stay on Dantooine to keep in touch and contact with Raze and the crew, eventually however the rest set off for their first destination, Tatooine.
Search for the Star Forge[]
While on the journey towards Tatooine, Ada however began to still show Marla training lessons until Gurragann gave a blaster to Marla, but when Benkins saw this he told off Gurragann in disgrace telling him that weapons shouldn't be given to children like Marla, but however Gurragann was forced to agree to Benkins and respect his concern, Ada told Dak that Gurragann meant no harm and he was only giving Marla a weapon because she passed her blaster training, when Dak was amazed he cheered up young Marla and also Dak himself gave the blaster to Marla and for safe keeping, Dak also told Ada to protect Marla at all costs, although everyone knows that "You cannot trust Children to have blasters." a saying on Dak's homeworld Corellia, for the rest of the journey Ada began to get to know newcomers, she got to know Juhani on board and which she also began to understand Ada a lot more from Ada, also got to know IT-43, R9-009, and C9-E9 very well,
When they approached Tatooine, they arrived in the city of Anchorhead, when they got off the ship in Anchorhead in Docking Bay 32, a crate which a Aqualish merchant named Jor Ul Kurax however mistakenly transferred a crate of Gizka that where in Crate 42-B7 to the Ebon Hawk and its crew in Docking Bay 32, while on Tatooine however Ada and Marla together did first come across a market and which what happened Ada buyed some Tusken bread from the market, plus Hubba bread, Tatooine H'Kak bean tea, Womp rat stew, Lamta, Nausage's, Tatooine flatbread's, Pikas, Cream of Womprat soup, Jawa juice, and Zoochberry dumplings where also brought from market to the Ebon Hawk, both Ada, Shaleena and Marla also helped in the food escorts as previously they where low on food which Zaalbar told Raze Abren about the food shortages running low,