Star Wars Fanon
Before the Republic eraOld Republic eraRise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

The Acroyali scare me. There's something about those red eyes that is so disconcerting.
—Han Solo about an Acroyali assassin

The Acroyali, meaning "rock-people" in their native tongue, were a species of near-human that originated on the planet of Acrolis. They were known for their red eyes and jet black skin, which some historians attributed to a distant relationship with the Chiss. However, because the Acroyali were present on Acrolis since before the rule of the Infinite Empire, far away from the Unknown Regions, it is likely that the two species evolved apart from each other. The species was known for its strong connection to the Force, which was evidenced in its high numbers of Force-sensitives.

Biology and Appearance[]

The Acroyali were close cousins of humans in general, but could be distinguished from humans by their black skin and red eyes. These differences were often explained by historians with the popular myth that the Acroyali were somehow related to the Chiss. Though both possessed red eyes and shiny, different colored skin, they were on opposite corners of the galaxy, the Acroyali on Acrolis and the Chiss on Csilla in the Unknown Regions. Also, the Acroyali existed long before the Chiss did as a species, with a history running back into the 30,000s BBY. Acroyali possessed a higher than average metabolic rate like the Chiss, leading to maturity at the age of 15. The Acroyali race was very connected to the Force, yielding a high average of Force-sensitives.


The history of the Acroyali is shrounded in mist; however, it is a known fact that the Acroyali accounts and paintings can be dated to centuries before 30,000 BBY. The society of these ancient Acroyali is largely unknown, apart from the fact that they were warriors. Centuries-long wars between tribes were known to have occurred. Eventually, some time after the fall of the Infinite Empire, the Acroyali united in a Confederation of tribes and centralized a weak government in the ancient of Acropolis ("Rock-city"). Soon thereafter, the Acroyali discovered a "fallen star," a Sleeper ship carrying a number of human colonists. After inspection, the Acroyali killed the sleeping humans but kept their ship and weapons. The Acroyali made rudimentary ships of their own, eventually exploring the rest of the system. Somehow, the Acroyali managed to destroy all the other planets in their system, turning them into an asteroid belt and creating a natural boundary protecting the system. The Acroyali continued in their war-like ways, but studied the fine arts as well, particularly architecture. Around 27,000 BBY, a ship carrying Teloris Zirátæ and several Taung warriors, crashed on the planet. Stumbling upon a legion of Acroyali out to battle with a rebel force, the Taungs were taken to the capital of Acropolis, where they met with the tribes' leaders. The tribes soon thereafter determined that the Taungs were higher lifeforms, and worshiped them. Teloris unified the planet's tribes, and centralized the government in himself, as emperor. This foreshadowed his descendant Drewika Zirátæ's rule over the Acrolian Star Empire.


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Acrolis

Acroyali society was largely based on military rank and family name. One was defined by his career in either the military, government, the arts. Family honor was especially important, however, family names were a personal matter, told only to members of the same family. Individuals often associated themselves with their city, hence "Helos of Agra" or "Milades of Olympos." Others, like Gaius Demyus, were not afraid to make known their names.

The Acroyali were a relatively civilized people prior to the arrival of the Taungs. The natives, though scattered across a vast sea on medium sized islands, had a centralized government and a standard language, Lanacro. The caste system was in effect, with a political class, warrior caste, worker caste, servant caste, and chattel caste. Historians noted the lack of a religious caste and standardized religion in early Acroyali culture. The arts were highly respected in Acroyali culture, with bards, artists, and especially musicians receiving honors in individual warlord's strongholds. When the Taungs arrived at Acrolis, the Acroyali learned to fight in units and legions rather than in vast free-for-all battles that had scarred Acrolis's surface. The Taungs also brought with them early projectile weapons, which were at first ignored by the honor-loving swordsmen of the Acrolian armies, but were later taken and refined. Many millennia later, when the Mandalorians arrived to colonize in force, the Acroyali grew as a military force on their planet. Though they respected their ancient tradition of armor and sword, they embraced the conventional weapons of the day.


An Acroyali officer of the ASE.

The Acroyali culture was very concerned with fidelity in marriage and the maintaining of large families, which was largely viewed as being the cornerstone of a healthy, powerful society. Deriving much from its later Mandalorian immigrants' view of marriage as a way to raise warriors, as well as the Acroyali view of honor in fidelity, the typical Acrolian family (both Mandalorian and Acroyali) was very healthy, which was unseen in the sibling culture on Mandalore, where sexual scandals abounded. The typical male took much time to select his life-mate carefully, and long expressions of love and courtship over years were common. State officials presided over the ceremony, and large after-parties between the newly joined families were common. The family was expected to raise warriors and public figures for Acrolis, and divorce was rare, and only acceptable in extreme cases. Homosexuality, though acceptable on neighboring Naboo, was punishable by death on Acrolis as the ultimate level of perversion of state ideals.

Education was essential to raising the best stock of warriors, and as a result, many schools and universities popped up in important cities. While the arts were emphasized, science and mathematics were also studied so as to give a well- rounded education. East Point Academy was Acrolis's first military academy, and garnered a reputation for its well-trained officers and public servants.


While Galactic Basic was taught as the main language in Acrolis, almost all Acrolians learned the official language, lanacro, a mix of Mando'a and the native language, mixed with bits of Huttese and Bocce. The language was particularly lovely to listen to, and was often referred to by off-world composers as the best language for use in choral pieces.

Governmental Structure[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Acrolian Star Empire

Behind the scenes[]

The Acroyali were created by Sebolto of Malastare as the original inhabitants of the planet Acrolis. Their name is derived from a Yanni song of the same name, a song which shows much Greek influence, thus explaining some of the Greek aspects of the Acroyali language and culture of architecture. The Chiss too were the inspiration for the red eyes and appearance of the Acroyali.

