Acrolian sector was a sector in the Outer Rim. Planets in the sector included Acrolis and Arbra.
The Acrolis sector contained several hundred star systems scattered throughout the Acrolian Star Empire. Early charts of the Galactic Republic show that Acrolis's sector was once smaller than its present size. The sector contained several noteworthy planets, such as Arbra, which was a regional capital and later served as a Rebel Alliance base during the Galactic Civil War, and Shadda-Bi-Boran, the site of a supernova explosion a year before Emperor Drewika Ziratae's birth. The sector's systems were often patrolled by the Acrolian Imperial Navy, and were divided into many sub-sectors to ensure complete control from Acrolis.
Because of the ASE's control of the Bajic sector, home of the criminal organization Tenloss Syndicate, the Acrolian Imperial Navy was often forced to assign certain fleets to the sector to ensure control.