Acqua Anzianni was a Human actress hailing from Naboo. She played in pornographic holodramas produced for adults.
In the second half of 5 ABY, she was shown on an recruitment poster by Imperial propaganda artist Flyff Antilles named Like being the WOLF in sheep's clothing? Infiltrate the Rebels from within! in an outfit reminiscent of an outfit the member of the Rebel Alliance Princess Leia was known to be wearing during the Battle of Hoth. To reflect the sentiment of many people in the galaxy, that the Rebel Alliance was good and the Empire was bad, the outfit was done in a way, that on one hand it reminded of a sheep, fitted with hoof boots and a horn-like updo of the model's hair. On the other hand the model is shown with eyes glowing like those of a wolf as well as a tattoo and tights depicting a wolf's head, claw-like red fingernails and earrings in form of fangs.
Behind the scenes[]
Acqua Anzianni is based on the American pornographic actress Aria Giovanni. The first name Acqua is the Italian word for water, another element besides air, which is aria. The surname Anzianni is a play on the name Giovanni as well – giovani being the plural word for young in Italian, whereas anziani is the plural for old.