Star Wars Fanon

Aayla Secura, born Aaylas'ecura, was a female Rutian Twi'lek Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order during the Jedi Renaissance era and the following Golden Age. A dutiful Jedi, Secura served with distinction as a General throughout the Clone Wars, the major conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems which forever changed galactic history and eventually resulted in the defeat of the Sith. After three years of service to the Republic at war, Secura and the rest of the Order learned that the entire conflict was simply a trap for the Jedi, orchestrated by the elusive Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Fortunately for the Order and the galaxy, Master Mace Windu struck down the Sith in a fierce duel and ushered in a renaissance within the Order. Under the leadership of newly appointed Grand Master Tomac Moorcé, Secura and her fellow Jedi were able to rest and heal after the tumult of war came to an end.

Alongside her former master, Secura resided on Ossus with the rest of the Order where new discoveries were made in the Force daily and the future of the Jedi grew bright once again. Aside from her work on Ossus, Master Secura was recognized on her homeworld as a beacon for hope and prosperity among her people, especially the long-exploited female population. Calling upon the Confederacy and the Republic to bring an end to slavery once and for all, Secura fought fiercely alongside her people during the Hutt Offensive, when the war against slavery washed across Ryloth and other slave worlds. Renowned for her fighting prowess and her strict physical discipline, Secura was selected to succeed Master Stara Zagora as the Temple Master of the Temple of Martial Arts, Stav Kesh in 16 ABY. As Temple Master, Secura was automatically a member of the Grand Council of Tython and responsible for not only the maintenance and operation of Stav Kesh but also for overseeing the Great Journey all Jedi must embark upon. The keeper of the Noetikon of Martial Skills, Secura was tasked with keeping the Noetikon up to date on all new martial skills introduced into the Order's vast knowledge of the art as new cultures and traditions were discovered and studied.


Early life[]

This girl—Aayla—she called me through the Force. She helped calm me in battle with the wampa. Could she be…"
A Jedi? Perhaps.

—Quinlan Vos and Avlis Tholme

A Force-sensitive Twi'lek, Aayla Secura was born into Clan Secura on the planet Ryloth; following the death of her parents Secura's uncle's place at the top of the Clan's hierarchy did not prevent her from being raised in the slave pen of the Hutt Xora. At the age of four, Secura was rescued from a rampaging wampa who killed her Hutt owner by the Jedi Padawan Quinlan Vos. Connecting with her through the Force Vos asked his master, Avlis Tholme if they might test her and take her back to Coruscant for training as a Jedi. Agreeing, Secura was tested before being transported off Ryloth to begin training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Sorted into a clan of other Jedi Initiates around her age, Secura grew up in the Temple learning the Jedi Code and practicing the traditional applications of the Force in the controlled environment of the Temple.

In 41 BBY, Secura successfully competed in the Apprentice Tournament at the Temple and caught the attention of Master Tholme who was just completing the training of Vos. Feeling that the Force had drawn them inexplicably together, Tholme was determined to oversee her training. With the permission of the High Council, Secura was taken as Tholme's apprenticeship for two years; one allowing Vos to complete his Trials and attain the rank of Knight, another to allow the Kiffar to gain his footing as a Knight before taking an apprentice. Mid-39 BBY, Vos formally took Secura as his first apprentice and began passing on his knowledge of the Force to her. Studying both Forms IV and V lightsaber combat, Secura's skills with a lightsaber quickly revealed her path as a Guardian. While Vos himself was a Sentinel he vowed to ensure that Secura achieved all that she could by studying the path most suited to her personal skills and not force her to follow in his footsteps. While passing along valuable tracking and investigative skills, Vos allowed her to focus on combat, crowd control and tactics

Traveling to the exotic planet Felucia, Vos endeavored for Secura to develop tracking skills as well as the ability to conceal her presence in the Force, blinding even the environment to her presence. Perfecting that technique while on the world, Secura was allowed to develop a bond with a local Felucian mammal which she named T'dai. Finding joy in the simple creature's companionship, Secura was heartbroken when she found him deceased. Sensing her emotion distress, Vos used the opportunity to reinforce the idea that the Force is eternal and the living pass through the shroud of mortality upon their death where they exist as part of the Force eternally. Early on the pair traveled to the crystal caves on M'haeli in search of a crystal to power the lightsaber Secura had constructed. Delving deep into a mountain-side mine, Secura discovered a nextor crystal known for its volatility as well as its strength. Emitting a vermilion-hued blade, Secura would proudly wear the weapon under her robes throughout her early apprenticeship.

Padawan Secura and her Master undertook many successful missions together over the course of her apprenticeship. They rescued a young princess from the Skyboat pirates of Xoman Free, faced the terbeasts of Ogden Minor and solved the Mystery of the Lodi on Solibus IV. While missions did take up much of their time, Secura and her master would occasionally visit the Coruscant Temple where Secura bonded with fellow Twi'lek girl Xiaan Amersu. As a gift to her friend Secura bestowed upon Amersu the Heart of Fire stone Vos had given to her upon her thirteenth nameday.


In 32 BBY, Vos and Secura were on Tatooine on an undercover mission at the same time Master Qui-Gon Jinn found himself temporarily stranded there. Secura later informed the Jedi High Council that she and Vos heard about Jinn's death just before they left. She reported that Vos regretted not revealing himself or contacting him, that if he had been aware of Jinn's plight, he would have undoubtedly aided him in reaching Coruscant. Leaving Tatooine, the pair were assigned a mission to Ryloth to investigate the sources of glitteryll, a dangerous new narcotic appearing on the black market. During their assignment, the two were captured and drugged causing heavy amnesia in both Jedi. Secura was held prisoner by her uncle, Pol Secura, who had to feed her more glitteryll every day because her spirit kept reasserting itself and fighting against the mind-numbing agents he fed her. Eventually losing touch with the Force and her Jedi heritage, Secura succumbed to the drugs and was reduced to a slave housed in the estate of her uncle.

For months Secura listlessly moved about the mansion, unable to recall her past and kept in a constant drug-induced have. It wasn't until a foreigner paid a visit to the estate looking for a "Padawan" Secura that the young Twi'lek Jedi was relocated by her master. Interacting with the stranger, who was in fact Quinlan Vos, she held the hilt of her damaged lightsaber but failed to recall anything from her past. Eventually Vos learned the truth behind Pol Secura's plotting and threatened to murder him within his bedchambers. Rushing in to prevent the death of her uncle, Secura inadvertently sent Vos' blade into her uncle's chest, killing him. Distraught at her actions Secura fled the estate and Vos, escaping offworld where she would flounder within her own dark thoughts.

Brush with the dark side[]

From the moment you stepped foot on this planet, I sensed you…your scattered thoughts…I sent out my thoughts…my will…I drew you to me…for I need you, little Jedi. Great need…
—Volfe Karkko to Aayla Secura

In fleeing her homeworld, Secura ultimately desired to exact revenge on the man who killed her uncle. Hiding herself on a pirate ship en route to the planet Kiffe, Secura hung around the spaceport until she was drawn into the surrounding forests by the dark side of the Force. Within an ancient and forgotten cave Secura located the prison of the Anzati Jedi Master Volfe Karkko who had been locked away centuries in the past by the High Council after he went on a rampage against his brother and sister Jedi. Submitting to his telepathically-communicated will and giving into the dark side, Secura began to lead an army of feral Anzati mind-slaves on raiding missions against the starport and the barracks of the Guardians on the prison planet. Drawing the attention of the Jedi per Karkko's desires Secura drew out her former masters, Vos and Tholme, as well as Jedi Zao Renarus and T'ra Saa, Secura and her former Jedi companions did battle before fleeing deeper into the forest.

Luring the Jedi into a trap at the mouth of Karkko's prison, the Jedi fought against the Anzati slaves while Vos chased Secura into Karkko's prison chamber. During a fierce lightsaber duel within the chamber, Vos was able to reawaken Secura's lost memories and bring her back into the light. As the Twi'lek girl began to slip from his control, Karkko shocked her with lightning drawn from sheer Force energy and engaged Vos in a brief duel which cost the Anzati his life. Upon recovering from the attack Secura was assigned to the stewardship of Master Tholme once more and the pair returned to the Coruscant Jedi Temple for retraining int he ways of the Jedi while Vos went on a journey of rediscovery himself. Seeking the counsel of Jedi Grand Master Yoda, Secura hoped that the wizened Jedi might be help her out of the darkness and back into the light. Reassuring her that the darkness had not taken hold completely and she was judging herself too harshly, Yoda counseled patience and that one day she would overcome the void within her heart by the will of the Force.

Ascension to Knighthood[]

Patience, Aayla. A Jedi you still are, and with you is the strength to overcome. But believe it, you must.
—Yoda to Secura after the latter returns from Kiffex.

Under Master Tholme's guidance Secura began to recover at that was lost of her memory and skill. Racing through velocities with Temple battlemaster Cin Drallig, arranging her newly-recovered memories with the telepathic assistance of Master Plo Koon and constructing a new blue-bladed lightsaber to replace her lost one, Secura was eventually deemed capable of returning to active training under Quinlan Vos. Understanding that her apprenticeship gave her the ability to learn her master's techniques as well as developing her own, Secura opted to focus on undercover work despite her primary goal of becoming a Guardian. In 32 BBY, Secura was assigned to infiltrate the Twi'lek Clan Fenn to uncover an assassination plot between clan leader Ro Fenn and the heir to Secura's clan, Nat Secura. Reporting back to the Temple on the developments on Ryloth, Secura rendezvoused with Vos on Ord Mantell to track down the Morgukai warriors Thyr and Bok after they abducted Nat Secura and transported him to their homeworld of Kintan. After facing off several bounty hunters in the slums of Ord Mantell and procuring the help of Vilmahr Grahrk, Secura discovered that the Nikto warriors had captured her uncle and Master Tholme and were holding them at the behest of Kh'aris Fenn.

Following their arrival on Kintan, Secura infiltrated Fenn's palace and headed straight for the dungeons while Vos went to handle the Nikto. Defeating the torture droid AX/RX at the entrance, Secura located and freed Tholme and her uncle before joining Vos in the upper levels. Arriving to find Tsyr beheaded and Bok savagely attacking his father's executioner, Secura intervened before Bok could kill her master and severely wounded the Nikto before fleeing the palace. Returning Nat Secura to Ryloth, Secura and Vos reported Kh'aris Fenn's treachery and the Clan Council banished Ro Fenn to the Bright Lands per traditional execution methodology. While Kh'aris Fenn escaped to seek out Darth Tyranus, his clan would be suitably punished for their attempt at destabilizing the already fragile clan government of Ryloth.

Returning to Coruscant, Secura and Vos were summoned before the High Council at dawn where they convened within the Chamber of Knighthood. Encircled by the High Council, Master Windu severed Secura's traditional Padawan braid, formally elevating her to the rank of Jedi Knight. Additionally, Vos earned the rank of Master while kneeling beside his own former master. Following the ceremony, the trio remained in close contact despite the growing tension within the Senate as a Separatist Crisis emerged. Secura largely participated in peacekeeping missions while Vos and Tholme expanded the Order investigative arm to search for leads on the emergent Separatist movement. Becoming a well-known agent of the High Council, Secura was often sent on missions which required a strong public face of the Order, allowing her to work closely with government officials and high-ranking Jedi Masters. When the Order began to increase its budget for new starfighters in order to equip Jedi with the ease of mobility instead of relying on public transport, the High Council dispatched Secura alongside High Councilor Adi Gallia to interact with the matriarchal Kuati developers. Successfully navigating Kuati politics, the two women were able to bring the new fleet of starfighters back to Coruscant without incident.

Clone Wars (22 BBY–19 BBY)[]

A call to arms, answered[]

Stationed at the Jedi Temple as concern surrounding the Senate's upcoming vote on the Military Creation Act escalated, Secura was assigned security duty at the Senate to ensure that Senators traveling to and from the building did so safely. Following repeated attempts on Senator Padmé Amidala's life, Secura was assigned to stand guard over the Great Door of the Senate and allow in only those with official business. Despite her assignment there, Secura was recalled to the Temple by the High Council when it was discovered that Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala had been sentenced to death on Geonosis by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Rushing to their aid, Secura piloted one of the new starfighters she had picked up on Kuat to the dusty world before landing outside the Petranaki arena alongside over two hundred of her brother and sister Jedi. Entering through a series of lightly-used catacombs, Secura traveled up into the stands of the arena alongside Masters Plo Koon and Ki-Adi Mundi, revealing themselves simultaenously across the arena after receiving a cue from Master Mace Windu through the Force.

As a massive battle between battle droids and Jedi erupted across the arena, Secura and her companions raced through the stands cutting down droid after droid as they went. Diving between fleeing Geonosian spectators, Secura made her way through the back passages in order to get down onto the arena floor. Met with heavy resistance as she went, she was forced to stop and fight dozens of droids alone in the dark, drawing on the Force to guide her lightsaber to deflect the shots. Eventually she was overwhelmed, just as Confederate Head of State Count Dooku signaled for the droids to cease fire. Escorting Secura into the center of the arena where several other survivors had gathered, the droids surrounded the group ready for the signal to gun down the remaining Jedi warriors. Centering herself in preparation for a fight to an inevitable death, Secura was as surprised as the other Jedi when Grand Master Yoda arrived with reinforcements in the form of an entire clone army. Hammering away at the droids gathered around them, the drop ships formed a defensive perimeter around the surrounding Jedi and allowed for Secura and her comrades to board safely before taking off to join the battle beginning just outside the arena. Landing in an assembly area behind the forward line, Secura and the other Jedi aboard her ship met with their clone captains for the first time, all of whom awaited orders. Using the tactical skills she had learned at the Temple and under Master Vos' tutelage, Secura led from the front and charged headfirst into the fray.

First days of war[]

When fighting on Geonosis concluded, Secura was rushed back to the Temple on Coruscant for healing and rehabilitation. Suffering no major wounds, Secura took up the rank of general within the newly create Grand Army of the Republic and attended many war briefings held in quickly retrofitted classrooms designed to quickly educate the members of the Order on military strategy, combat and tactics as well as familiarize them with the newly developed protocols within the Grand Army. Enjoying a brief interlude in the fighting as both sides prepared to engage in all-out war, Secura was dispatched from the Jedi Temple eight days after Geonosis to intercept Techno Union scientist Ratri Tane on Corellia. Joined by Master Ylenic It'kla, the pair quickly hunted down Tane, who was actually Jedi Master Nejaa Halcyon in disguise, and used the ruse to implant false information in the mind of a Techno Union employee.

Once her mission was completed Secura was dispatched to the Wheel to find her former master after he had gone dark after an extended undercover mission. Locating him within the depth of the massive space station, Secura, Vos and Khaleen Hentz successfully obtained a copy of plans detailing an impending attack on the vital cloning world of Kamino. Parting ways with Vos after he revealed that he was in the process of establishing a vast spy network within the Confederacy's political and military structure, Secura reported to Kamino to join in the defense of the watery world's cloning facilities. Under the leadership of High Council Shaak Ti, the Jedi task force stationed on Kamino fended off assault in a low-atmosphere combat situation. While the initial defense of Kamino was successful, Secura and Jedi Master Kit Fisto were assigned to oversee security on the planet while Master Ti was sent offworld to lead troops on a vital Republic world. Over the next month Fisto and Secura bonded in a significant way, pressing the boundaries of the Jedi lifestyle of non-attachment and forcing them to question their relationship. While their Twi'lek-Nautolan biologies were not sexually compatible their bond did become romantic as time passed. Discovering an attempt at wiping out the clone army with a nano-virus, Secura and Fisto put aside their feelings and raced against time to seek out the saboteur, a Kaminoan defector named Kuma Nai. Coming under fire by super battle droids smuggled onto the planet by Nai, Secura fell from an exterior platform into the churning planet-wide sea and quickly became lost under the waves. Nearly slipping into unconsciousness, it was only the timely arrival of Master Fisto, whose amphibious biology allowed him to breathe under water, that saved Secura's life. Returning to the surface Secura confronted Nai in a brief struggle during which Nai inadvertantly injected herself with the nano-virus, killing herself instantly.

Before Master Ti could return to Kamino, Secura was summoned to join her on Hypori under the command of High Councilor Ki-Adi-Mundi. Leaving Master Fisto to defend Kamino, Secura arrived on Hypori where she would fight alongside Masters Daakman Barrek and K'Kruhk. On the plains of the planet the Jedi were introduced to the Supreme Commander of the Confederacy's droid army, the dreadful General Grievou. A cyborg of intense strength and a fierce hatred of the Jedi, Grievous pitted himself against the Jedi in an assault which was designed to spread fear of the Republic's latest threat across the universe. Single-handedly killing Barrek and his Padawan, Grievous set upon the other Jedi and their clone battalions. Setting in on Secura, Grievous gripped her with one of his clawed feet before tossing her high into the inner-workings of the ruined Star Destroyer the group fought beneath. Only surviving due to the intervention of a squad of ARC troopers, Grievous was driven off and those Jedi who could be rescued were. Suffering grave injuries to her arms and back, Secura required several weeks of medical attention before returning to active surface. By that time, Grievous had already unleashed his terror on the galaxy, collecting the lightsabers of his victims as he went.

Fighting alongside Bly[]

Sometimes it takes courage to stick to one's beliefs, young Padawan.
—Secura, to Ahsoka Tano

After her near-death face-off with Grievous, Secura received her elevation to the rank of Master during a brief visit by Master Even Piell. After a brief informal ceremony at her bedside within the medical station she was staying at, Piell assigned Secura to lead the 327th Star Corps where she would lead alongside clone Commander CC-5052, whom she called Bly. Forging a close bond with the clone, Secura treated him as an equal and valued his knowledge of tactics and military planning, allowing him to occasionally take the lead when she was out of her depth. Together the pair was responsible for procuring information from a captured tactical droid and using the data to launch an assault on the strategic world of Quell. Quickly overwhelmed in a space battle, Bly and Secura were reinforced by Jedi Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano and the four were able to evacuate the ship just as it was destroyed by Confederate assault cruisers. Attempting to dock with the Resolut to give Skywalker medical attention, fire from droid fighters knocked out one of the pilots, accidentally activating the hyperdrive. Taking evasive action, Secura was able to detach their shuttle from the Resolute before their ship jumped into hyperspace.

Coming out of hyperspace above Maridun, the Jedi and the surviving clones crash-landed on the worlds grassy plains. Seeking out much-needed medical help for Jedi Skywalker, Secura and her clones were hounded by the world's vicious wildlife until they reached a village of Lurmen refugees from Mygeeto. The village elder, Tee Watt Kaa refused the group aid in fear that aiding the Republic would bring destruction upon their fragile society. While Tano was able to convince Kaa to grant them medical aid, Secura was forced to remain behind in the village while Tano delivered the supplies to her master back at the ship. Helping around the village in an attempt to gain allies among the Lurmen, Secura quickly came to understand the simple way of life they had cultivated and understood their need for peace. Despite this, Secura had misgivings when it came to utter neutrality even in the face of annihilation. This threat materialized itself when the Confederate General Lok Durd landed on the planet and demanded a meeting with the Lurmen people. Claiming that the planet was being taken by the Confederacy for military testing, Durd ordered for the Lurmen to remain within the confines of the village and provide any services demanded of them by their new government. Departing the village in secret to ensure that they were not found, Secura and the clones observed Durd's true purpose for choosing the isolate world: he sought to test a new weapon which killed of living things while not causing harm to his droid soldiers. Concluding that Durd would use this weapon on the Lurmen to complete his test, Mounting a raid on Durd's fortress after he and the bulk of his army began marching towards the village, Secura and her clones were able to secure two field generators and a ship to take them back to the Lurmen hamlet before the droid army reached them. Setting up the generators around the village, Secura and her other Jedi companions refused to listen to Elder Kaa's pleas to leave them to their ends and not to interfere. Setting up the defenses the Jedi and clones met the Confederacy head-on, repelling the first wave before a second wave of droids destroyed the shields. Seemingly overwhelmed, Skywalker took out Durd's weaponry systems while Secura and Tano wiped out the droid armies.

Following their rescue from Maridun, Secura and Bly met with Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Commander Gree on Alzoc III to investigate alleged Separatist activity reported to the Republic by the Hutt crime lord Jabba. Equipped with several AT-TEs, the Jedi led several clones troopers up a vertical cliff where a bit of ice threatened to inhibit their passage. While the clone commanders and the Jedi butted heads on how to move past the ice, the Jedi ultimately led them successfully up to the summit where they discovered the ruins of a downed capital ship submerged in the snow while large sections of debris mysteriously floated freely in the air. Proceeding to investigate the unusual phenomena, the clone troopers used their jetpacks to reach what remained of the ship's hangar, while the Jedi followed them by using the Force to navigate through debris. Rendezvousing at the hangar, the group was attacked by a vulture droid that was quickly dispatched by Unduli and Secura. Searching for the ships data recorder to determine the cause of the crash and discover an explanation for the free-floating debris, the Jedi and clones learned that the ship had been carrying a weapon of war responsible for the gravity anomaly witnessed outside. As they continued to review the data it became apparent that the Shadow Collective assassin Asajj Ventress had already visited the site and programmed the ship to self-destruct. Fleeing the ship with their clones, Secura and Unduli reported their findings to the High Council before leaving the planet.

Distracting the Zillo Beast[]

When the Zillo Beast broke out of its captivity on Coruscant, it stormed its way to the Senate building and captured the escape craft Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was using to usher himself, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala to safety. Secura teamed with Yoda to leap onto the beast's back, attempting to distract it and allow the occupants of the escape craft enough time to scurry away from the beast's clutches. They were successful in their attempt, and followed the group to safety, shielding them from the cloud of gas from the toxin-bombs used to kill the Zillo beast.

Hunting Attuma Duum[]

Yes, tragic the events were—but a failure your mission was not. Destroyed was Duum's operation. And sense a change in you I do, Aayla Secura."
Yes...maybe. Perhaps I found something within myself that was missing before.

—Yoda and Secura after her mission to Cavamina Minor

Around 21 BBY, Secura was assigned an escort of elite Clone troopers to arrest the mercenary Attuma Duum on the moon Cavamina Minor. She was betrayed by Duum's operatives, and in the ensuing struggle in the cantina, all her clones were killed. She fled, and her Delta-7B was shot down. She broadcast a distress signal on channel Delta-622-Echo. She was pursued on foot by Sabat, Duum's chief of security. The Force-sensitive Shon-Ju intervened to rescue her, engaging Sabat and his security droid. Sabat activated his jetpack, leaving Shon-Ju to assist a wounded Secura, who passed out from her wounds. Secura later woke up alone in Shon-Ju's castle. She explored the castle and found Shon-Ju watching over his students. The man told her his story, how he had trained as a Jedi but was rejected. Secura was ready to leave to return to her mission, but Shon-Ju told her to wait, because he wanted Duum shut down as well and agreed to accompany her.

The next morning, they stole two abandoned bombers to infiltrate Attuma Duum's headquarters. Once aboard, Shon-Ju rashly took her lightsaber to trip the alarms. Secura used her Force powers to subude the guards, but Sabat took Shon-Ju hostage and force her to surrender. Once placed in suspension, Duum visited them but was called off to other matters. He had lured two fleets, one of the Republic Navy and the other one from the Confederate Navy. When Sabat was distracted, Shon-Ju told her he wanted to kill Duum to humiliate the Jedi, who had failed to capture the mercenary. Shon-Ju then used own Force powers to escape his bonds and attack Sabat, throwing the latter into a turbine and killing him. Shon-Ju left Secura in her bonds for the moment, telling her that her destiny was in her hands, but she wouldn't stop him from finishing what he had come for. Shon-Ju then went to confront Duum, who revealed his cyborg body. As flames from the damaged base spread near her, Secura accessed the Force to escape. She arrived in time to intervene, preventing Shon-Ju from finishing a damaged Duum. Shon-Ju stated attacking her instead, allowing Duum to escape. As the two traded blows, Secura had a flashback to what Yoda had once told her. Shon-Ju picked her up by her lekku, sayihng he would end it for her quickly, but she just laughed in response, saying being a Jedi was accepting one's place. She then used the Force to grab her lightsaber and cut off Shon-Ju's hands. Shon-Ju said the Jedi kept taking from him, and ran off in tears into the flames.

With the base in its death throes, Secura stole another bomber to return to Coruscant. There she met Grand Master Yoda to discuss the results of her mission. Yoda consoled her, telling her Duum's operaiton was destroyed, and that he sensed a changein her. She replied that she found something inside of her which had been missing. She had doubts though, whether the change was for the better, as Duum could still be alive. Unbeknownst to her, both Duum and Shon-Ju had indeed survived, the latter accepting a set of prosthetics.

Mission to Devaron[]

Later in the war, Secura investigated Separatist raids on Republic supply lines along the Corellian Trade Spine as part of a Jedi task force of masters Tholme, T'ra Saa, Kit Fisto, and An'ya Kuro. When the headquarters of the raiders were pinpointed to the planet Devaron, Secura went undercover as Tuulaa Doneeta, the spoiled daughter of a Twi'lek shipping baron. This way, she managed to infiltrate Senator Vien'sai'Malloc's apartments as her guest, with Masters Tholme ("Miles Croft"), and Kuro ("Saba") as her servants. The Senator was the one who backed the raiders, hoping to play both sides in the war. She had hired bounty hunter Aurra Sing, an ex-Jedi, to make sure nobody learned of her plans.

Secura and Sing

Aayla Secura dueling Aurra Sing on Devaron.

The Jedi on Devaron were Sing's next targets, and after caving in her former Master and Tholme, she ambushed Secura. The Twi'lek survived and attacked Aurra. The two fought, and Secura was able to win by hitting the bounty hunter where it hurt: her feelings of abandonment. Aurra reacted by unleashing her rage, but thus became disoriented, and Secura cut off the antenna implant—installed by the hunter's Anzati mentors—that allowed Sing to feed off the fear of her prey. As Sing was enveloped in anger, Secura was at peace, and turned the former Jedi over to local authorities. She eventually ended up on the penal colony of Oovo IV. Then, Secura rescued Tholme and Kuro and provided intelligence she had gathered about the raider headquarters to Fisto and Saa and the raiders were dissolved in a battle between them and Republic forces.

Betrayal on Honoghr[]

Eighteen months after the Battle of Geonosis, Tholme told Secura that Quinlan Vos had not really betrayed the Jedi Order, but was a double agent infiltrating the Separatists to spy on Dooku, although he feared that Vos had fallen to the dark side.

She was then sent to the head of a squad of clones and seconded by the Clone Commander Bly on Honoghr to recover the Scientific Instrument Package (SIP) containing all data on a deadly gas developed by the Separatists, and fell into the hands of Noghri warriors. She had to battle against the fierce natives when unexpected help came: her former master Quinlan Vos. But when they had recovered the SIP, Quinlan turned against Aayla to bring her to Dooku. Aayla was again forced to fight Vos, but was defeated. Bly intervened to save her life; shooting Vos and causing him to flee.

Mission to Endor[]

During the war, Master Secura and Commander Bly investigated a deserted Separatist outpost in the Endor system. After discovering the base to be empty, (and finding remains of countless clone troopers and battle droids) Secura went out scouting, during which she encountered a lone battle droid. While removing its appendages, Secura was caught unaware by the native Ewok people and was shot with a tranquilizer dart.

Secura awoke within an Ewok treehouse, and using the battle droid as a translator, learnt that the natives believed her to be a forest spirit. As a spirit, it was her duty to vanquish the Beast in the Mouth of the Mountain. Secura, taking the droid along, complied. Reaching the cave, the Jedi Master tripped on a pile of bones, alerting the Beast to her presence. The Beast quickly impaled the battle droid with its claw, leaving Secura free to use the Force on collapsing parts of the ceiling, forcing them down upon the monster. Having fulfilled her duty as the Ewok's spirit, Secura returned to her Republic gunship, where Bly was waiting. Dismissing her commander's worries, the pair, along with their squadron, headed to Felucia.

Siege of Saleucami[]

Few months later, she accompanied Tholme to the planet Anzat in order to investigate the renegade Jedi Sora Bulq, Dooku's right hand. She found Bulq's ship, fought against a Morgukai warrior and stole the logbooks. The logbooks revealed separatist activity on Saleucami.

Then, the Council sent her to Trigalis to lead troops. There, she met Obi-Wan Kenobi, obsessed with stalking of Asajj Ventress, and offered him her Jedi Starfighter. She then received a transmission from Tholme, telling her that the Separatists had created an army of Bok's clones on Saleucami, the Morgukai warrior she had defeated years ago, specially trained by Anzati to kill Jedi.

The Republic therefore sent an army to lay siege to Saleucami, supported by many Jedi including Quinlan Vos, apparently repentant but still playing a double game. They fought side by side against Morgukai clones, destroyed the planetary shield that prevented the republican forces to bombard the planet, and destroyed the cloning facilities. Secura then had to face Bok again and killed him, while Vos faced Sora Bulq in duel, sliding more towards the dark side of the Force. Secura and Tholme went into meditation and snatched Quinlan from the darkness, allowing him to defeat his opponent.

Order 66[]

Following the siege of Saleucami, Secura and her troops were sent to Felucia to help Jedi Knight Barriss Offee uncover a plot to poison Felucia's water supply. There, Secura had also gained the respect of the 501st Legion in the time they served with her. After freeing Offee and her new Padawan Zonder, Secura and the Padawans Ekria and Drake Lo'gaan were able to discover that Presidente Shu Mai of the Commerce Guild had arranged the poisoning of Felucia's water supply.

While Offee took a squad to Har Gau, Secura and Commander Bly went to Niango. While preparing to engage an oncoming onslaught of droids, Secura glanced to the skies as a Felucian bird flew overhead. Secura's friend Jedi Master Darrus Jeht

Personality and traits[]

Are all Jedi this reckless?"
Just the good ones.

—Republic Admiral Yularen and Aayla Secura

Aayla Secura was an empathetic and highly intelligent Jedi but was also impulsive and somewhat mischievous. She was a good leader and a skilled tactician and her quick thinking earned her the respect of many clone troopers during the Clone Wars. Secura was also strong willed as she was able to resist the pheromones of the Falleen, Zenex. Her given name, Aayla, was common for female Twi'leks and it meant 'smoke' or 'mist' in Ryl.

In the aftermath of the events on Kiffex, she felt something was missing inside of her. Master Yoda consoled her and told her to believe that the Force gave her strength. Events on Cavamina Minor years later forced a change inside of her, and she said she felt something had been found.

Secura had a brief romantic relationship with Kit Fisto but she was dedicated to the Jedi Order and decided the Order was more important than her relationship with Fisto. She also appeared to have a close bond with Quinlan Vos, at least before he turned to the dark side, because she mentioned that he had been like a father to her. Like her relationship with Fisto, however, she eventually learned to let go of her attachment to her master, which she later taught Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's padawan, to do the same. She also had a close friendship with Commander Bly but like most clones Bly obeyed Order 66, betrayed her trust, and killed her.

Secura's attire was practical, albeit somewhat revealing. She also wore ornate jewelry on her navel.

Powers and abilities[]

The Force has made us strong.
—Aayla Secura

Aayla Secura was trained as a Jedi Guardian, leading her to focus more on her combat skills, becoming an impressively skilled fighter. She mastered the fourth form of lightsaber combat, Ataru, and had some skill in Form V, as well as being a practitioner of Jar'Kai. Secura's lightsaber skills allowed her to survive the battle of Geonosis, hold her own against General Grievous (albeit with help from several other Jedi) and overpower the skilled bounty hunter Aurra Sing in a duel.

In addition to her combat skills, Secura was very skilled in stealth and infiltration which she learned from Quinlan Vos and Tholme. Secura also had some skill with Force cloak, which was a hard to learn ability that some masters couldn't complete. She was also known to use her beauty and Force powers to seduce people into giving information.

In combat she was known to use the nexu stance evasive roll.
