Aayla Secura, born Aaylas'ecura, was a female Rutian Twi'lek Jedi Knight in the latter days of the Old Republic. She served as a General in the Clone Wars. Aayla was a Padawan of both Quinlan Vos and later Master Tholme. Aayla had participated in the First Battle of Geonosis during the Clone Wars and served in various campaigns, including stints on Hypori and Kamino. She was killed in 19 BBY on Felucia, when Order 66 was initiated.
Other uses[]
Aayla Secura redirects here. It may also refer to:
- Aayla Secura (Ahsoka Asona)
- Aayla Secura (AU)
- Aayla Secura (COD3530)
- Aayla Secura (NKSCF)
- Aayla Secura (Powerstaark)
Aayla may also refer to: