Star Wars Fanon

Aaron Malek (known as Darth Tyrannus III) was a Jedi padawan to Morgan Horn and served the New Jedi Order and allying the Tarkin Empire. He is the son of Roan Malek and Gunn Yage. He is also Jet Skywalker's cousin, and a descendent to Anakin Skywalker and Galen Malek. He is married to Emily Naberrie, and a father to James Naberrie. After her wife dies from the pregnancy, and killing a Sith, he is seduced by the dark side of the force. He becomes an apprentice to Jobal Dooku and serves the Dark Confederate Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus III.

Early life[]

When Aaron and his cousin were both eight on 155 ABY, he, along with his parents, and cousin were ambushed by a group of Tusken Raiders. His parents told him and Jet to run while they hold them off, and die. Aaron and Jet kept on running through the rocks in order to get an away from the Tusken Raiders. Ending up in a dead end, the Tusken Raiders prepare to kill them.

Just then, a hooded figure appears behind the raiders, and kills them. The figure was known to be Assjj Ventress, a dark Jedi apprentice who fought for the Confederacy of Independent Systems]]. She told the kids to come with her, and hide in a small hut for a while.

New Jedi Order[]

On 156 ABY, Ventress takes Aaron and Jet to Taivas and delivers them to the Hidden Temple.


During his training as a Jedi, Morgan Horn took him as his young apprentice, and teaches him the balance of the force. Aaron learned very quickly, and wanted to show much he was to the Order. Master Rasi Tuum sensed that there was great hatred in him, and it would lead him to the dark side. Ventress decided to keep it covered, and decided to train him as well.

First mission on Naboo[]

During the start of the New Confederacy on 162 ABY, Aaron and his master traveled to Naboo to aid the people of Theed to stop the an army of Confederacy clone soldiers from invading. Morgan assigned Aaron to protect the king and queen's daughter, Emily Naberrie. Aaron wanted to fight, but Morgan told him that he'll get his chance if he protects the princess of Theed.

The battle began, and Aaron protected Emily Naberrie, along with her fellow handmaidens. Aaron sensed something about the princess. It was revealed that she was force-sensitive, and it's possible that she might be the reason that the New Confederacy has invaded Theed.

Crossing through the halls, the group stumble across a squad of commando droids, and shot few of the handmaidens while Aaron ordered them to take cover. Aaron sliced a few of the commando droids, but he was badly shot in the shoulder. He tried to get up, but one of the commando droids grabbed and threw him into a wall. Aaron was knocked unconscious, but Emily and her handmaidens finished off the commando droids before they could exterminate the Jedi.

After the battle of Theed ended, the royal handmaidens took Aaron to a medical facility where he would recover. He woke up in front of his master, and apologized for failing to protect the princess. His master told him that the princess was alright, and honored him for fighting brave in the battle.
