Star Wars Fanon

Ki’tia had finished lunch and was resting on her bed when the buzz came at her door. It opened immediately, she never needed to respond to the buzz, they just let her know they were entering her quarters. She didn’t have any choice. The trooper entered and motioned for her to come with him. He took her to Thrawn’s Ready Room.

“Welcome, Ki’tia,” Thrawn smiled. “Won’t you join me by the viewing window?” Thrawn put his hand on her back and led her toward the sofa. “Trooper, remain by the door.” The trooper nodded and placed his weapon in the ready position, across his chest.

The table by the sofa was arrayed with various refreshments. Thrawn motioned for Ki’tia to sit and then he sat a comfortable distance away from her. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you,” Thrawn began, “you looked beautiful at the dinner. The blue of your tunic set off the color of your eyes, and the contrast with your hair was lovely.” He was still smiling at her.

“Thank you,” she responded. “I don’t know where the outfit came from.”

“I’ve seen holos of your father, Kenobi, from the Clone Wars,” Thrawn continued, ignoring her question. “Your eyes are very much like his. Is your hair like your mother’s?”

“Yes,” she answered, “and like all the women in my family for many generations. I look very similar to both my mother and her grandmother.”

“How would you know this?” Thrawn questioned. “Your mother was killed when you were a young child, and surely, her grandmother must have died before you were born?”

“I knew them recently as Force ghosts,” Ki’tia answered. “They trained me in the A’nir.”

“What are Force ghosts?” Thrawn asked. “Can you produce one here?”

“I don’t believe I could call anyone while in space,” Ki’tia shook her head. “I’ve only called my mother and grand-grandmother while on a planet. When someone strong in the Force leaves this life, they may return for a time as a luminous image of themselves to interact with this world again.”

“Interesting. And are you strong in the Force?” he asked.

“Yes, I am,” Ki’tia answered, looking into his eyes.

“I have met a powerful Jedi in the past,” Thrawn began, “he almost killed me. Am I in danger from you?” He glanced over to see if the trooper was alert. The trooper nodded at him.

“No, certainly not,” she assured him.

“Why not?” Thrawn asked. “Why should I believe you?”

“I’ve told you,” Ki’tia shook her head. “I’m not a Jedi. I’m an A’nir. The axiom of the A’nir is that we must never cause mortal harm to another sentient being.”

“You could do significant damage to me without doing mortal harm,” Thrawn countered.

“I couldn’t take that chance,” she replied. “A’nir do not fight. You are safe around me.” She turned her head to the side slightly and looked up into his face. Her hands were folded in her lap and she appeared the picture of innocence.

Thrawn studied Ki’tia for a minute. “Perhaps,” he said, “you should tell me about the A’nir.” He sat back on the sofa. Ki’tia bowed her head in agreement.

“You know the Force has aspects that are both Light and Dark?” she began. “The Sith, like the Emperor and Darth Vader, use only the Dark side of the Force. The Jedi use both the Light and Dark sides of the Force. The A’nir use only the Light side of the Force. I am unable to access the Dark side. The Dark side is fighting, mind control, mind probing, aggression, deceit, domination.” She stopped to see if Thrawn was following her.

“So, you won’t probe my mind?” Thrawn asked.

“I can sense what you are feeling,” Ki’tia answered. “If you are in pain, or happy, or troubled, but I can’t delve into your thoughts to know what you are thinking. Nor, can I control those thoughts. Although, when I’m healing, I can control a patient’s sense of pain. I can also send a calming influence to someone, but I can’t, likewise, make them angry.” She reached out and took a drink off the table. “Touching only the Light side of the Force gives the A’nir our empathy, this is what makes us healers. We use the empathy of the A’nir through the Force to become one with the patient and repair their cells.”

“I remember,” Thrawn said touching his arm. “It was a remarkable experience.”

“The A’nir is more than just healing,” Ki’tia continued. “The A’nir is the grace and the joy of the Force. It is the love, the affection. We are the harmony of the Force. Do you understand?”

“Better,” he answered, “but I may still have questions.” He studied her with a thoughtful expression.

“I will likely learn about the A’nir for the rest of my life,” Ki’tia smiled. “I can’t imagine trying to comprehend it all in an afternoon.” She glanced about the room.

“How long did you live with the Wookiees?” Thrawn asked, drawing her attention back to him.

“From the time Vader murdered my mother when I was seven, until I was about fourteen,” she answered, looking away from Thrawn.

“Continue,” he commanded. “Why did you leave, and where did you go?” His eyes narrowed as he stared at her. There was something she was hiding, and he would know it.

“There was no one on Kashyyyk to continue my training in the ways of the Force or of the A’nir,” Ki’tia started to explain. “One of the Wookiees was badly injured by the Imperials. He was dying and I healed him.” She looked up at Thrawn. “I didn’t know how to heal so badly an injured a patient. I overextended myself and lost consciousness. The Wookiees took me to Master Yoda, to save me. I stayed with Master Yoda after that. He trained me in the ways of the Force.” Ki’tia rose from the sofa and walked to the widow.

“The Jedi Grand Master Yoda is still alive?” Thrawn asked. Ki’tia nodded. Thrawn stood. “Where is he?” he demanded.

“I won’t tell you,” Ki’tia said flatly, still looking out the window at the mottle sky of hyperspace. Thrawn started to walk toward her, she turned and raised her hand to him. He stopped, unsure of the gesture. “Master Yoda’s life force is fading,” she looked into Thrawn’s eyes. “He has not long to live in this form and I will not betray his home to you, or anyone.” Ki’tia folded her arms and continued to face Thrawn.

After a few moments, Thrawn reached out and placed a hand on Ki’tia’s arm. “Please, let’s continue.” He guided her back to the sofa. She sat willingly and he handed her a drink from the table. “You understand the Wookiee language?” Thrawn continued the questioning.

Ki’tia nodded and replied, “I can understand Shyriiwook and speak some.”

“How is that possible?” Thrawn was puzzled. “I thought it impossible for humans to make the Wookiee sounds.”

She smiled and said, “I use the Force to augment my vocal abilities.” Ki’tia shrugged. “I was a child on a world full of Wookiees. I wanted to fit in, so I used the Force to help me.”

“Would you say something for me?” he asked, leaning toward her.

“Ruh gwyaaaag.” The loud growling roar that emanated from Ki’tia startled the trooper at the door, who started toward them with his weapon pointing at her.

“Trooper! Hold!” Thrawn commanded. The trooper stopped in place. “Everything is fine,” Thrawn assured him. “Return to your station.” The trooper nodded and returned to his place by the door. Thrawn turned back to Ki’tia. “Amazing. What did you say?”

“I am a friend,” Ki’tia answered. I’m a little rusty. I haven’t lived on Kashyyyk in six years. I’m out of practice, and it helps to hear them talk to get the tones correct.”

“Still,” Thrawn smiled, “That’s very impressive. I had no idea such sounds could come from a human.”

Ki’tia leaned over toward Thrawn and whispered, “I don’t think my guard with ever look at me the same, again!” She laughed quietly and smiled.

Thrawn leaned into her and whispered back, “You may be right,” humor in his voice, also. He coughed quietly and sat upright. “I wonder if you could use the Force to speak my language.” He tilted his head slightly and studied Ki’tia.

“I could try,” she said. She hesitated a moment, looking at her lap. “If you don’t mind me asking, what species are you? Where do you come from? And, please excuse me if I shouldn’t ask those questions of a Grand Admiral.”

Thrawn smiled. “Your questions are fine, Ki’tia. I am a Chiss. My people are from the planet Csilla in what you know as the Unknown Regions of space.” She indicated she understood. “Our language is Cheunh, and my full name is Mitth’raw’nuruodo.”

Ki’tia tilted her head. “Would you say that one more time?” she asked.

“Mitth’raw’nuruodo,” he repeated. Thrawn gazed at her expectantly.

“Mitth’raw’nuruodo,” she tried.

“Nearly, Mitth’raw’nuruodo,” he encouraged.

“Mitth’raw’nuruodo,” Ki’tia used the Force to repeat the sounds made by Thrawn.

“Excellent,” Thrawn smiled. He reached out and took one of her hands in his. “It is so infrequent that I hear my name pronounced correctly. That was beautiful. Thank you.” Thrawn’s red eyes shimmered at her as he held her hand. “If you like, I can give you access to a Cheunh language tutorial from the terminal in your quarters. I will assist you with the pronunciation.” He released her hand.

“I’d like that,” she said. A chime sounded on the other side of the room.

“That is all I have time for this afternoon. You will dine with me this evening.” Thrawn stood and offered Ki’tia a hand to stand. “Trooper, return the prisoner to her quarters.” Thrawn walked her to the door where the trooper took her by the upper arm and escorted her from the room.

Ki’tia wore the dark blue tunic for dinner with Thrawn that evening. The trooper escorted her to his Ready Room. Thrawn met them at the door. “Trooper, you are dismissed,” Thrawn ordered. “The prisoner no longer requires continuous armed surveillance.” The trooper nodded. Thrawn extended an arm for Ki’tia. She put her hand on his arm and he escorted her into the room.

“I’m no longer considered dangerous?” she asked, surprised.

“No, you are not,” Thrawn smiled down at her. The Ready Room had been reconfigured, slightly. A small dining table had been added between the sofa and the viewing window. The table was set for two. “I ask the chef to prepare a few Chiss dishes for us tonight. I hope you will enjoy them.” He led her to the table and helped her to her chair.

“I’m sure I will,” she replied. “Mitth’raw’nuruodo. May I call you that?” She smiled.

“When we are in private,” he answered, “you may.” Thrawn returned her smile and his red eyes glowed. She gazed into his eyes.

The chef’s staff entered and began serving the dinner. The staff attended them throughout the meal, so Thrawn and Ki’tia enjoyed the food with limited conversation. When the meal was finished the staff cleared the small table, then set out a decanter and pair of crystal glasses. Thrawn then dismissed them. He poured some of the liquid from the decanter into each of the glasses and motioned Ki’tia to the sofa. He sat next to her and handed her one of the glasses.

“Is this Chiss, also?” she asked, holding up the glass.

“No,” Thrawn replied. “This is something from Commander Parck. It is Corellian Brandy.” Thrawn held his glass up in salute to Ki’tia and she did likewise. They both took a small sip of the brandy. “What did you think of the Chiss cuisine?”

Ki’tia thought a moment. “I enjoyed it very much,” she smiled. “I didn’t recognize some of the spices, but I found them refreshing. The food was saltier than most human food, but not overpoweringly so. Is that typical for Chiss cooking?”

“For the most part, yes,” Thrawn answered. “Our tastes tend toward the more salty.”

“Interesting.” Ki’tia sat back and studied him. “Do you know if your cells have more salt content than ours?”

“Chiss cellular structure has a higher mineral content than humans.” He replied. “Do you have a genetics background in your formal education?”

She laughed. “Ha! I have no formal education. My mother taught me until she was killed. I went to school with the Wookiee children when the Imperials were not around. I’ve tried to learn whatever I can, whenever I can. During the time I spent with Master Yoda, I was isolated from the rest of the galaxy. There was no technology at all, at his home.”

“Well, you’ve done very well,” Thrawn complimented her. “You’re very intelligent.”

Ki’tia blushed. “Thank you. I think it’s more a natural curiosity.” She tilted her head and regarded Thrawn. “May I ask you more about Chiss physiology?”

“Of course,” he replied with a smile.

Ki’tia reached out and took one of Thrawn’s hands in hers. She examined the back of his hand and fingers. She turned over his hand and gently ran her thumb along his palm and fingers. “You are so very much like us,” she spoke slowly and softly, and continued to examine his hand. “Except for the skin color and your eyes.” She gazed up into his eyes. “Do you know if there are differences in our internal organs?”

“Only slightly,” He said, softly. Thrawn closed his hand around hers and drew it toward him. “Our physiologies are very similar.” She continued to look into his eyes. “I’ve never met a human who could look into my eyes the way you do. What do you see?”

“Your eyes are fascinating,” she said. “I haven’t learned all the emotions behind the changes, but they glow and flash, and sometimes they sparkle, and there are varying intensities of each. They’re beautiful, like gems.” He was still holding her hand gently in his.

“Most non-Chiss find them, troubling,” he admitted. “Most can’t tolerate looking at my eyes for any length of time.” He paused and studied her. “You are amazing, and beautiful.” He raised her hand to his lips and gently kissed her fingers. With his other hand he reached out and caressed the side of her face. Ki’tia leaned her face into his hand and dropped her eyelids. Thrawn noticed her breathing was faster. “It’s getting late,” he said, dropping his hand from her face. “I should return you to your quarters.” Thrawn rose with Ki’tia’s hand in his and helped her off the sofa. He removed his comlink and spoke into it, “Trooper escort for the prisoner, to my Ready Room.”

“I enjoyed the evening, Mitth’raw’nuruodo” Ki’tia said shyly.

“As did I, Ki’tia,” Thrawn smiled and place his hand at the small of her back. He moved her to the door. The door opened and the trooper was waiting. “Good night, Ki’tia,” Thrawn said with a slight bow.

“Good night, Grand Admiral Thrawn,” Ki’tia said. She allowed the trooper to take her by the arm and lead her away.

“Ki’tia has entered the fertile phase of her cycle during the last 24 hours,” Commander Parck reported to Thrawn in his Ready Room, at the now standard morning briefing. “Based on the readings from the last five days and those from the Valadin medical staff, her complete cycle should be 30 to 35 days.” Parck handed Thrawn a data card.

“Very good, Commander,” Thrawn took the data card and place it in his datapad. He studied the data. “Any updates on the work at SH-58?”

Parck pulled out another data card. “The maintenance crews expect renovation completion in 20 days. The ME droid is being programed to operate the clone cylinder as an external surrogate womb, as well as embryotic retrieval procedures. It will, of course, be able to handle a standard pregnancy, should that occur. The ME droid will also act as companion and security control when you are not on site. The housekeeping droid will take care of the cooking and other household duties. Both droids will be delivered to SH-58 upon completion of renovation.” He handed the data card to Thrawn.

“Excellent,” Thrawn said, taking the second card. “We have our schedule. Ki’tia and I will leave the Admonitor in 27 days in my command cruiser. It will take 30 hours to reach SH-58 in the cruiser. The official log will read I am taking shore leave and that Ki’tia is being transferred to a secure facility.”

“How long will you stay with the woman on SH-58?” Parck asked. “If the pregnancy starts as planned.”

“No more than a week after the pregnancy is confirmed,” Thrawn said. “Three weeks at the most. I will need to return several times during the pregnancy to keep her happy.” Thrawn looked over at the display monitor of Ki’tia’s quarters. She was at the computer console.

“Do you think you’ll be able to make her fall in love with you?” Parck also watched Ki’tia in the monitor.

“She is young and eager to please,” Thrawn considered. “Right now, she is studying the Cheunh language and Chiss customs, and doing very well.” Thrawn thought for a moment. “And, I’m saving her from her worst fears, the Emperor and Vader. Her love is probable and with that her cooperation.”

“Ki’tia, I’m very impressed with your progress learning the Cheunh language,” Thrawn said later that day, during their regular afternoon meeting in his Ready Room.

“It’s nice to have something the keep me busy,” Ki’tia replied, “and I find the style of the language beautiful, especially after the brute force of Shyriiwook.” She smiled at Thrawn.

“There is something else I’d like you to do for me,” Thrawn said. “Something that will help me understand the use of Force abilities.”

“I will do what I can,” she replied.

“I want you to train in hand to hand combat, self-defense, with the leaders of my 501st Legion Stormtroopers,” Thrawn said. “I want you to show them how you would use the Force to defend yourself from personal attack.”

“I can’t do that,” Ki’tia protested. “You know that goes against the axiom of the A’nir. I can’t fight.” She was shaking her head.

“This would not be fighting, Ki’tia,” Thrawn insisted. “This would be defense. These men are among the best I have ever seen. They can teach you how to use your talents for your own defense, without causing mortal harm. I am sure of this.” She was still shaking her head.

“No, please,” she pleaded. “If I was to injure one of them.” Thrawn went to her and put his hands on her shoulders.

“Ki’tia, I want you to do this,” he placed his hand under her chin and lifted her face so she was looking at him. “Please, I need to know you can defend yourself. I care about you. I don’t want you going through life unprotected. I trust these men, and you can stop anytime, just try.” She was looking into his eyes. He could tell she was frightened.

“Alright,” she said. “I’ll do the training with your men.” Thrawn was struck by her bravery. He pulled her to him, placing one arm around her back and one hand behind her head. He held her against him, marveling in how warm she felt, how soft. She put one arm around his back and looked up at him. He moved his hand to the side of her face and they stared into each other’s eyes. “Mitth’raw’nuruodo,” Ki’tia whispered.

Thrawn bent his head to hers. “Ki’tia,” he whispered, his hand moving to lift her chin to meet him. Their lips brushed. Ki’tia moved an arm around his neck and Thrawn kissed her fully. He held her to him, their eyes closed. The kiss was gentle. As Thrawn released her and pulled away they both smiled. Ki’tia blushed. “Are you okay?” Thrawn asked, holding her by the hands.

“Yes,” she answered. “That was nice.” She was shy, looking away from him. He started to lead her over to the sofa.

“Don’t worry,” he said softly. “I’m not going to hurt you. You’re not going to run away and climb somewhere, are you?”

“No,” she smiled. “I don’t sense any of the violent feelings from you that I did from Captain Miczysin.” They sat together on the sofa.

“What feelings do you sense from me?” he asked, keeping both her hands in his.

“Good feelings,” Ki’tia stared into his eyes. “But, I must admit I don’t understand them. I can sense you do care about me, but there is more. Possibly, something you want from me.” She blushed and looked away.

“Ki’tia you are a very beautiful woman,” Thrawn began, “but anything that happens between us, will happen only with your consent.” He released her hands and she moved them to her lap.

“I believe you,” she gazed at him. “I trust you.” She reached over and took his hands in hers. “I care about you, too.” She smiled. There was silence between them. They held hands and gazed into each other’s eyes. Thrawn found himself mesmerized by her. Almost too much to trust.

Thrawn released Ki’tia’s hands and broke the silence. “The training sessions with the 501st will begin tomorrow afternoon,” he announced. “I will monitor the sessions, but not be otherwise involved.” Ki’tia lost her smile. “We will spend the evenings together, having dinner and going over your lessons. Is that acceptable to you?”

“Yes, that will be fine,” Ki’tia answered.

The workout suit was black, one piece and skin tight. It covered Ki’tia’s arms and legs and included soft boots and a robe. She braided her hair and was ready when the buzz came at her door in the afternoon. She didn’t recognize the man at the door.

“Hello Miss Ki’tia,” he said. “I’m Commander Daric LaRone, of the 501st Legion. I’ll be in charge of your hand to hand training. If you would please come this way.” She noticed he was not armed as he led her down the corridor.

The training room was large and white, with a padded floor and walls and various pieces of equipment that Ki’tia didn’t recognize. There were four other men in the room when she and LaRone arrived. “Miss Ki’tia,” LaRone turned to her, “these are the rest of the men who will assist with your training.” He pointed to each in turn. “Joak Quiller, Korlo Brightwater, Saberan Marcross, and Taxtro Grave.” Each man nodded and smiled as his name was called. “We’ve worked with other Force users. Grand Admiral Thrawn has explained that you are different. You don’t use offensive moves and you don’t have a lightsaber.”

“I’m not a Jedi,” Ki’tia stated bluntly. “I don’t fight.” She studied the men.

“Right,” LaRone continued. “We’re supposed to teach you to defend yourself and to help you incorporate your Force abilities into that defense without causing mortal harm to your attacker. Is that about right?” Ki’tia agreed. “Okay, we’re going to start with basic defense moves. These are techniques you should be able to use with just your own strength. Once you master these, you can add in the Force and we’ll see where that takes us. For right now I want you to watch Quiller and Marcross go through some moves. Then you and I will try them. Guys.” He nodded to the men. Quiller and Marcross stepped out away from the group. “The men are going to demonstrate several takedown moves on each other. Note the position of their hands and legs for the moves.”

Ki’tia watched closely as the men worked on the floor. They didn’t seem to be hurting each other. She watched them come together and one man cause the other to fall to the floor by either pulling on his arm or kicking out his leg. The men stopped and came over to where she was standing with the others.

“Now, let’s try,” LaRone said to her. He took her lightly by the arm and led her out a way onto the floor. “I’m going to come at you and you try to take me down.” The first time LaRone approached Ki’tia she froze. He came at her and just lifted her in the air. “Relax, Miss,” LaRone said. “We won’t hurt you.”

“I’m more worried about my hurting you,” she said.

“Right,” laughed Marcross. Quiller jabbed him in the ribs.

Quiller ran out and stood behind Ki’tia. “When LaRone comes at you this time,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ll show you what to do with your hands.” Ki’tia looked at him over her shoulder. He smiled at her. LaRone started toward her. Quiller put his arms down Ki’tia’s and over her wrists. When LaRone reached her Quiller placed her hands on the proper holds and helped her deflect LaRone’s advance. LaRone went down with Ki’tia’s knee on his chest. “There!” Quiller exclaimed, giving her a high five. “You did it.”

“With a lot of help from you,” Ki’tia said. She got up off LaRone.

“Yes,” Quiller admitted, “but, you’ll get the hang of it. Grave wasn’t any good when he started, either.

“Hey!” Grave exclaimed. “I can take you, anytime!”

The guys took turns showing Ki’tia different moves and over the next two hours her technique improved.

“That’s all we have time for today,” LaRone called to the group. Ki’tia was sweating, as were all the men. “I have to escort Miss Ki’tia back to her quarters. You guys hit the showers.” LaRone grabbed a tunic and threw it on over his workout suit. Ki’tia wrapped her robe around her and they headed off to her quarters. “You did very well for your first day,” he said along the way. “The Grand Admiral should be pleased.”

“Will you report to him on my progress?” she asked.

“There’s no need for that,” LaRone said. “He was watching from the observation deck for the whole session.”

That evening at dinner Thrawn asked, “Did you enjoy your first training session with the 501st?”

“Yes,” Ki’tia answered. “I did. Did you enjoy watching?” She looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“I was there to make sure you were not injured,” he responded coolly.

“Will you be there for all of the sessions?” she asked.

“No,” he said. “I trust these men, and I trust you. I have other duties to attend to. From now on LaRone will be in charge of you during the training.”

After dinner they were sitting on the sofa, “Are you sore from your training today?” Thrawn asked.

“Not now,” Ki’tia answered. “I was this afternoon. I used A’nir healing techniques, and I’m fine now.”

“I see,” Thrawn sounded disappointed. “I was going to offer to massage your back, if that would help with any muscle tightness.” He tilted his head and curled his lips into a slight smile.

“Massage my back?” she questioned.

“Yes, it can be quite, pleasurable,” he said. “Turn around.” Ki’tia turned her back to Thrawn. He gathered her hair and moved it over one of her shoulders. He placed his hands over her shoulders and used his thumbs to gently knead each side of her neck vertebrae. Ki’tia moaned softly and bent her head forward.

“Oh,” she whispered, “that feels wonderful.”

Thrawn moved his hands down over her shoulders and gently massaged down her back. When he reached her hips he moved his hands under her loose tunic and began massaging her bare skin. “Illumination, one quarter,” Thrawn ordered. The lights in the room dimmed. He continued to massage the bare skin of her back. Ki’tia’s breathing quickened under his hands. She turned to face him and his hands moved to the skin of her abdomen.

“Mitth’raw’nuruodo,” she whispered, gazing into his eyes. Thrawn moved one hand to her face and leaned in to kiss her. Ki’tia, her eyes closed, placed a hand on his neck. Thrawn leaned her to recline against the sofa arm, and he deepened the kiss. She opened her mouth for him and held his head to her. He was gentle and she was eager. Thrawn move his hand from her abdomen, over her tunic to cup her breast through the fabric. He stopped and looked into her now open eyes. “Go on,” she said. “I want you.”

“I know,” he answered. “I want you, too. I want you so very much, but, not here, not now.” He pulled away from her a little and took her hands in his. “Ki’tia, I’ve never met a woman like you. I care about you, and I desire you.” She blushed and smiled. “But, I also have to protect you from the Emperor and Vader.” Ki’tia’s eyes grew wide and frightened. “Don’t worry.” Thrawn quickly added. “I’m making arrangements to take you off this ship and hide you from them, for as long as it takes.” Ki’tia stared at Thrawn, surprised.

“You would do that for me?” she asked.

“Of course,” he raised her hands to his lips and kissed them. “We will leave in a few weeks. I’ll be taking you someplace safe. We’ll be alone when we get there, and I would very much like to make you mine. If you agree?” He kissed her hands again.

“Yes,” she said. Thrawn took Ki’tia into his arms and kissed her.

Chapter 3, Chapter 5, Obi-Wan’s Daughter main page
