Star Wars Fanon

Hostile aircraft inbound, Starboard side! Starboard AA guns, fire at will!
—An Anti-Aircraft Fire Commander of the Confederate Navy giving an order to open fire

The AALC-1 Anti-Aircraft Laser Cannon was a model of anti-aircraft gun produce by the Techno Union Earth Division, an autonomous branch of the Techno Union which produced equipment for the Separatist Alliance's Confederate Earthling allies. The design was based on a design operated by the CIS during the Battle of Bespin.

The AALC-1 was used extensively by the forces of the pro-CIS Confederate States of Earth, and the related Solar Confederacy, and was used in several different roles, including the standard role of being a turreted AA gun, but also as part of a Point-defence laser cannon system on ships, both starships and oceanic ships like the Vulture Droid Carrier, as well as a modified version used in the gun turrets of the Courier-class Space Transport, an Earthling variant of the C-9979 landing craft.

Confederate AA batteries often used both the J-1 semi-autonomous proton cannon, which was used for long-range targets, and the AALC-1, which was used for targets at a close or medium range.

The standard variant was twin-barrelled, a variant was the AALC-1Q (Quad), which was a variant with four barrels.
