A soldier of the 86th Reconnaissance Regiment on maneuvers.
The 86th Reconnaissance Regiment was a Galactic Republic, and subsequently, Galactic Empire clone trooper unit in the 88th Star Corps. It was comprised of 5,000 clone troopers - a joint command of 5 battalion-size forces.
It participated in the Battle of Boz Pity, and select elite commando units were assigned to the Battle of Felucia, where in both combat arenas it took heavy casualties. Thus, this provided a convenient way for Imperial Intelligence to falsely unilaterally declare the regiment dissolved, its constituent troopers reassigned to other commands, when in fact, the 86th Reconnaissance Regiment's ranks were replenished by elite clone troopers, and assigned to the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Strikefast.
It heavily participated in the suppression of the Mygeeto Insurrection.
Unit Composition[]
- LAAT/i Assault Gunships
- Viktor 86/33
- Clone Commandoes
- Clone Troopers
- Tango Company (Clone Company 86/25)
- Micro Squad