The following events took place in 855 BBY.
- Uprising of the Isles: Local Nationalists, referring to themselves as the "Army of the Islesmen", begin a uprising in the Grand Duchy of the Isles, a puppet duchy of the Zarkan Kingdom, to re-establish the autonomous Kingdom of the Isles, they name their would-be nation the "Kingdom of the Isles". The Uprising is crushed by the Zarkan Kingdom and the Grand Ducal forces of Eric V.
- In response the Islesmen, considering themselves to be the "true" patriots of the Isles, declare Eric V to be a traitor and a serf to the Zarkan Kingdom for his part in being complicit in what they call the "Zarkanian oppression".
BBY: 856 BBY - 855 BBY - 854 BBY |