The following events happened in 80 BBY.
- The temporary office of Provisional President of the Union of Earth States is replaced with that of Union President, with each term lasting four years.
- Union Dissolution Crisis, the Union of Earth States, which had only been founded the previous year, faced its first major threat to its existence with the "Union Dissolution Crisis", in which two opposing political factions, the Unionists and the Sovereigntists fought a political war over whether to dissolve the Union, which the Sovereigntists believed to be detrimental to the rights of Earth's nation states. The Unionists would triumph with a slim majority, and the Union would be saved. The Sovereigntists would go on to found the Traditionalist Faction.
- Jali Dawler, private investigator, Coruscant
- Grievous
- Kundun the Legend is born on Chandrila
- Garren Obrim
- Buh-roko on Nar Shaddaa
- Jim Speeder
- Borin Shan
- Diego Navarro, in the Democratic Republic of Leasath on Earth (d. 5 ABY)
- Ernan Vos on the Morsian Protectorate Planet Sol Infinius.
- Davos Poragon on the Morsian Protectorate Planet Sol Infinius.
- Agregor, Kundun's father
- Lyla, Kundun's mother
BBY: 83 BBY 82 BBY 81 BBY - 80 BBY - 79 BBY 78 BBY 77 BBY |