The following events happened in 78 BBY.
- Galactic Republic declares war on the Exlusites.
- Ta Bóka Zad-Rí Niessúh rises to power, succeeding Pos Hú-Mós Niessúh as Pharoah Niessúh IV of Vendaxa.
- Orion Forte takes control of the White Star Pirates.
- Founding of the Traditionalist Faction.
- The Number 7 competition edition ion pistol from Ionix Combat Systems is discontinued.
- The Number 7 competition edition II by Ionix goes on sale in its place.
- The Number 7 ion disruptor from Ionix goes on sale.
- Battle of Tarabba
- Battle of Tatooine
- Battle of Ixtlar
- Battle of Rendili
- Battle of Mustafar
- Battle of Exlus
- General Yoakido on Corellia
- Natkûun on Shrygonga
- Jaws
- Nax Johann on Bespin
- Fost
- Stark Dirtlander on Alderaan
- Charles Lamb Johnson, pro-Confederate Valandan patriot shot by a Union soldier (d. 21 BBY)
- Captain Zulik
- Devin Mastruk
BBY: 81 BBY 80 BBY 79 BBY - 78 BBY - 77 BBY 76 BBY 75 BBY |