Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The following events happened in 73 BBY.

This year was known as Year 38 before the Great ReSynchronization.


  • The Separation of the Sisters: The Kingdom of Zarkania-Westland is dissolved after a little over 100 years following a Plebiscite by Westland to address the concerns of the nation's increasing numbers of pro-independence nationalists. Many Zarkanian nationalists long for the return of Zarkania-Westland, and have irredentist views on the kingdom.
  • The Kingdom of Westland joins the Union of Earth States as a independent nation.
  • New Westland Uprising: A number of angered Zarkanian nationalists, disaffected with the break-up of Zarkania-Westland, begin an uprising in the newly independent Westland's colony of Nye Vestland (New Westland), forming the self-declared Southern New Zarkanian Republic (SNZR).
  • The Southern New Zarkanian Republic issues a constitution, declaring themselves entirely independent of all foreign powers, though maintaining friendly relations with their mother country, the Zarkan Kingdom.
  • Formation of the Motherland Faction within the SNZR, who seek to join the Zarkan Empire as a semi-autonomous region.
  • The SNZR is crushed by Westland, almost causing a war between Westland and the Zarkan Kingdom, who relaxes her position after being reminded that Westland was merely putting down an unlawful rebellion.
  • Discontinuation of the Number 9 ion hand cannon by Ionix Combat Systems.




76 BBY 75 BBY 74 BBY - 73 BBY - 72 BBY 71 BBY 70 BBY