The 666th Legion's Tactical Droid (designation unknown), also often just addressed as Tactical Droid, was a T-series tactical droid which had been reprogrammed to serve the 666th Clone Legion under Jedi Master Urde Ra'akdoon.
The droid was created by Baktoid Combat Automata as a tactical droid for the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the upcoming Clone Wars at some point prior to its outbreak in 22 BBY.
Capture and reprogramming[]
At the outbreak of war, the droid was deployed in the First Battle of Geonosis and helped to co-ordinate the Separatist defenses on the planet. The area the droid was commanding in came under attack by the newly formed 666th Legion in their first combat, with the droid being short circuited and captured. Instead of being destroyed, Ra'akdoon decided to have it reprogrammed to serve both the legion and Republic.
The Battle of Jakkor[]
After its reprogramming, the tactical droid was placed as his admiral on board his capital ship, the Infiltrator, along with various other droids that had been reprogrammed after their capture from a droid factory on Geonosis.
Order 66[]
As the droid had been reprogrammed, and so had no knowledge of Order 66, it did nothing to either help or hinder the order when it occurred, much like the other reprogrammed droids who served the legion. When Ra'akdoon and the Jedi were attacked on the bridge of his flagship the Infiltrator II, Ra'akdoon ordered the droid to lock down the bridge to prevent other clones from entering it. After this, the droid went about its normal business, jumping to action when Ra'akdoon called for it. Once the Jedi had been disguised in 666th clone armor, Ra'akdoon got the tactical droid to chart a course to Coruscant so they could retrieve their belongings from the Jedi Temple. The droid remained in orbit and once they were all back on board after collecting their belongings, the droid commanded the fleet as they flew into the Outer Rim to find a place to be exiled. The droid locked down the medical wing whilst Ra'akdoon and the others discovered what had caused the clones to turn on Order 66.
In exile[]
The droid continued to serve Ra'akdoon and the legion as they lived on the farm they constructed on Tokanga III, the planet Ra'akdoon decided to exile them on. The tactical droid hid the fleet on the planet's moon and was ferried down to the land via a shuttle. Whilst at the farm, the droid was responsible for the legion's droid contingency, keeping them charged up, maintained and working. It also aided with predicting figures and costings as well as predicting weather formations and incoming storms.
The droid spoke and acted much like any other tactical droid variant, with a slow, calculating and metallic voice that was devoid of any real emotion. It enjoyed using facts and figures, with percentages being thrown out when applicable. However, when it was reprogrammed by the legion, some more 'human' elements were programmed into it. The droid was sarcastic to an extent, and showed some concern for the clones and Ra'akdoon, often wishing them luck or asking them to take care when entering a dangerous situation.
Skills and abilities[]
The droid was excellent at assessing situations, capable of giving quick calculations and percentages, relaying them out. It was also skilled in military tactics, as it was pre-programmed. It understood how to command a space fleet and could quickly assess enemy fleets for their strengths and weaknesses, formulating a plan around them. As it was a droid, it was also capable of advanced calculations and working most computer systems easily.
The droid originally used the E-5 blaster rifle commonly used by Separatist droids, though after it was reprogrammed for legion usage, the droid stopped regularly carrying it. The blaster was kept in reserve for if the droid ever needed it, but as the droid was always on the bridge of Ra'akdoon's flagship, it had no reason to carry it.