The following events happened in 5 BBY.
This year was known as Year 26 after the Great ReSynchronization.
- Kar Vash'aal is adopted by Rosha Capriole and Syr'am Kad.
- Tylor Tonn discovers Jahíra
- Ricky's Rebellion occurs
- War of Secession ends with the signing of the Treaty of Independence
- Father Fleet is formed by Admiral Ackbar
- TK-117 begins training to be an Imperial scout trooper at the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant.
- The Masai Guards were founded
- Confrontation between Crix Madine and Yané Carinda and rescue of the latter on a moon of Ord Ibanna.
- Battle of Alzoc 3
- Battle of Terminus
- Battle of Fondor
- Conflict between Altair Nova and the Bedlam Raiders
- Zandon Daedron on Ordo.
- Cas-Lo Vont on Gall
- Lieutenant Crix on Coruscant.
- Aurea Hali on Cerea
- Mal-Kenobi Skywalker cloned on Kamino using Darth Vader's D.N.A.
- Sargeant Ty on Alzoc 3
- Rob Rotgers on Bestine
- Rocky on Fondor
- Davis on Fondor
- Zane Starkiller on Fondor
- Rachel Seneria on Fondor
- Chri Phaze on Fondor
- Commander Fed on Fondor
- Streve on Fondor
- Zytiuk Meoi on Onderon
- Mandalore the Shadow on Nixion.
- Marvix on Corellia
- R'uttthhhooo on Kashyyyk
- Grover
- Cookie Monster
- Ernie
- Bert
- Jar Jar Binks on board the Executor over Tatooine
- Ber Wend of natural causes
- The Bedlam Raiders on Koboh
BBY: 8 BBY 7 BBY 6 BBY - 5 BBY - 4 BBY 3 BBY 2 BBY |