The following events took place in 59 BBY.
This year was known as Year 24 before the Great ReSynchronization.
- White Star Pirates survivors from the First Battle of Ris'danon reform the pirate organization with just as many pirates as they had before the battle.
- Great Bindakoor Riot: On the 15th anniversary of the Bindakoor Massacre of 74 BBY the Native minority of the town, the third-largest in the Zarkan Empire's colony of Vanaturhai, hold their own commemoration for their kin killed in the subsequent Battle of Bindakoor Common, following which the captured Native warriors were executed for their part in the massacre.
- Great Bindakoor Riot: The Aerman majority, some of whom lost family in the massacre, are enraged upon hearing of this separate commemorative event, viewing it as being deliberately disrespectful and provocative. The local chapter of the Patriotic Womens' Association for the Protection of the Aerman Race calls on "the Empire's sons to rise up and crush these rogues into the dust, who so cheer the murder of her fair sons and daughters!", the official commemoration to the victims of the massacre is put on hold as an Aermen mob begins to form.
- Great Bindakoor Riot: A large mob of 200 Aermen nationalists, some of whom are veterans of Bindakoor Common, depart for the Native slum of the town. There, they set upon the arranged participants of the commemoration, beating them up viciously and breaking up the event. As Natives bein to flee the town the furious rioters begin to burn down the Native slum.
- Great Bindakoor Riot: By nightfall the Native slum has been purged from the town, the inhabitants driven off to other settlements. Tobias Richmondsman, then colonial Governor of Vanaturhai, deploys the colonial militia to ensure the safety of the rest of the town from the fires. He commends the rioters, commenting in a speech "You have removed a celebration of the forces of evil from your town. The murderers of innocent men, women and children shall never be commemorated in this colony! Good Aermen folks of Bindakoor, I extend my appreciation for your efforts!"
- Following the riot, Tobias Richmondsman refers to the "Racial Defence Laws" instituted after the Bindakoor Massacre as "the greatest act our motherland has passed in recent memory."
- Saw Gerrerra on Onderon
- Bail Organa on Alderaan
- Shaak Ti on Shili
- Dorean Josto on Onderon
- Kitpat Arthi on Naboo
- James Jet Star
- Ador Hef on an unknown planet
- Yato Haknan on Kansuul
- Kap Valena on Brentaal IV
- Hasti Zaadvala on Nickel One
- Justin Rettik on Corellia
- Adrio Velenno on Anarmar
- Solah Tark on Corellia
- Grokan Sli Cenkowl on Neimoidia
- Jrav Malex on Wor Tandell
- Allara Besha on Alderaan
- Wilkson Warrick on Endor
- Gideon Roon on Alsakan
- North Mustafarian on Tython
BBY: 62 BBY 61 BBY 60 BBY - 59 BBY - 58 BBY 57 BBY 56 BBY |