The following events happened in 53 BBY.
This year was known as Year 18 before the Great ReSynchronization.
- Breeha Antilles on Alderaan
- Bossk on Trandosha
- Baze Malbus on Jedha
- Ni Resh on Coruscant
- Ardré Kartik on Naboo
- Sun Zsu on Kamino
- Crebbis on Oxoor
- Maksi Hikar on Coruscant
- Danica Shatterstar on Jakku
- Octavius Magdellan on Barnaba
- Guarin Jenkyns III on Earth
- Persephone Aho in the Hapes Cluster
- Alex Releka on Coruscant
BBY: 56 BBY 55 BBY 54 BBY - 53 BBY - 52 BBY 51 BBY 50 BBY |