The following events took place in 44 BBY.
This year was known as Year 9 before the Great ReSynchronization.
- The Pirate Wars begins
- The Liberators Pirate Organization was founded
- Shasta Moonreaper and Valeria Kennt destroyed Buzzy Bakken's compound on Myrkr.
- Rathium Perox joins the Republic Judicial Forces.
- A downturn on Earth's stock market causes the Panic of Year 37, marking the end of the "Wonderful Years" (52 BBY - 44 BBY) and the start of the the Great Recession period (44 BBY - 29 BBY).
- Brothers Jack and John Vovich use economic difficulties to recruit volunteers to their cause, citing their punishment of the bankers and the leadership of the Union of Earth States for mishandling the crisis should they take power, sowing the seeds for their New Earth Republic and their revolution four years later.
- Incumbent President Edward Fox Drayman of the Union of Earth States wins this year's Presidential election and begins his second term.
- First Battle of Shadda-Bi-Boran
- Battle of Omwat
- Battle on Galidraan
- Scott Borek on Corellia
- Clareeee
- Darth Azazel
- Yané Carinda on Naboo
- Owe-Son Dantel
- Dy-No-Myt
- Chibro Kinto
- Kyle Krenis
- Ricky Seneria on Taanab
- Nelfa Loban on Ragith III
- Triz Algan aboard the ship True Moon
- Jex Zavock
- Kayla Moonreaper
- Kylan Saes on Seartrist
- Jacen Skyrunner on Ord Mentell
- Dragomir Jovanović on Iseno
- Commander Echo on Kamino
- Irons McClafferty
- Gial Ackbar on Dac
- Boeman Veego on Kamino
- Jenla Tei on Kamino
- Shrapnel on Kamino
- Garganat over Shadda-Bi-Boran
- The war droid Juggy was destroyed on Myrkr.
BBY: 47 BBY 46 BBY 45 BBY - 44 BBY - 43 BBY 42 BBY 41 BBY |