The following events took place 40 ABY
This year was known as Year 75 after the Great ReSynchronization.
- Darth Shawdon starts an attack on the Galactic Alliance.
- Start of the Second Corellian Insurrection.
- Admiral Argos is promoted to the rank of Supreme Commander of all Alliance Forces.
- Darth Adnihilo is succeeded by Darth Caedus as Dark Lord of the Sith.
- Nathaniel Kenobi Solo watches Jacen Solo turn to the dark side and does nothing about it
- Darth Caedus attacks the Jedi Academy on Ossus, causing Nathan and Jaina Solo Kenobi to lose faith in their ability to bring him back to the light
- Jaden Korr briefly duels against Darth Caedus
- Moorshavin Warbird and the WSIR briefly invades the Galaxy, and occupies Lorrd
- Si'non Toriales defects to Tarakus Deadmerit, just before the Edge Outpost is shut down.
- The Confederate States of Earth withdraws from the Galactic Alliance and joins the Confederation, the Union of Earth States remains loyal to the Galactic Alliance, in response to the secession of the Confederacy the Galactic Alliance invades Earth, but is defeated by Confederate and Confederation forces.
- The Confederate States of Earth celebrates the 60th Confederate Independence Day.
- Jerry Forelek helps Earth in its hard time against the Galactic Alliance, and he forms the Confederation of Sith Lords.
- The Followers of Taral is founded.
- Battle of Kashyyyk
- Battle of Earth
- Battle of Foron
- Brute
- Brek on Mandalore
- Jena Vidon
- Rosh Penin on Coruscant
- Lumiya on Terephon
- Eddie Zynish on Erayyxa
- Rahm Kota on the Rings of the Battle Plane.
- Admiral Wilhuff Agareth over Earth.
ABY: 37 ABY 38 ABY 39 ABY - 40 ABY - 41 ABY 42 ABY 43 ABY |