Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The following events took place in 3 BBY.

This year was known as Year 32 after the Great ReSynchronization.


  • Condorians rebel against Sienar Fleet Systems slavers, taking control of a small portion of the corporation's assets.
  • The Imperial data storage facility on Jabran is destroyed.
  • Railok starts his training on the Imperial Academy of Carida by the age of nine.
  • The Imperial Victory II-class Star Destroyer The Aurora is destroyed during a surprise attack by early rebels in the Corellia sector.
  • Evon Gane escapes slavery on Tatooine.
  • The Empire takes over SI84-F Asteroids and enslaves the miners.
  • The start of the Wild Space Conflicts.
  • Ariq Salaban joins the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations [deciding to become a law enforcement officer]
  • The Galactic Empire builds a communications relay station on Tsoss Beacon in the Deep Core.
  • Altair Nova's Crew is formed.




6 BBY 5 BBY 4 BBY - 3 BBY - 2 BBY 1 BBY 0 BBY