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Some droids live a long time, others change their occupation, become independent, and some just plain become so much like sentients that to deny their sentience would be a crime. Yet... the Exactor has surly lived those four thousand years he says he lived, changed his occupation all those times he says he has and become so much like a sentient that... I just don't understand why he denies droid sentience.
Marthrull Strayfiend to B-6TT[src]

3X-AK2R also known as Exactor was an ancient assassin droid who lived thousands of years. During his lifetime, he was an assassin, bounty hunter, mercenary, trader, scout, explorer, podracer, spy, freighter captain, warlord on Erayyxa, and author, among other things. He was once even worshiped as a god by one primitive species. Like many assassin droids created around the same time as him, he was fond of referring to organics, especially sentient organics, as meatbags. He hated that sentients who heard about his immense age would sometimes treat him like an antique because he had almost none of his original parts left. Throughout his careers, he had his memory wiped several times and by the time of the Galactic Civil War he was on a quest to regain all of his memories. During the Jedi Civil War, he flew a Vaya-class scout ship called the Gamorrean Intellect. The ships he flew often had odd names such as the Old Chicken and the Mooing Dragon and he was a fan of Bikoland Industrial EH-class ships, a line of ships which he flew for almost 500 years. He published at least two memoirs, one in 24 ABY and the other about a decade later. Despite his experiences and his interest in civilizations and quirks in his programming that resembled feelings, emotions, and other "sentient garbage," the Exactor did not believe in droid sentience. He was also staunchly opposed to smuggling.


In 24 ABY, he wrote an autobiography entitled So You’ve Crossed the Individual Who Happens to be My Current Employer: An Assassin Droid’s Memoir which detailed a few of his exploits.

Notable assassinations[]

