The following events happened in 34 ABY.
- Grand Master of the Jedi Order Cas-Lo Vont and the Toydarians Devastate the Chiss Ascendancy in a last ditch effort to the end the war.
- Black Nova is destroyed by Nathaniel Kenobi Solo, Jaina Solo Kenobi, Zossk Sadeet, Grapper, and Clig'orh.
- The True Jedi Alliance sets up its second base on Kuat.
- The First Order uses Starkiller Base to destroy the New Republic.
- The Confederacy of Corporate Systems is reorganized into the Autonomous Corporate Systems.
- The Democratic Republic of Monix is dissolved for the second and final time.
- Declaration of war on the First Order by the Morsian Empire, beginning the Morsian-First Order War and ending the Morsian-First Order skirmishes.
- The Devastation of Csilla
- The Annexation of the Valley of the JedI.
- Invasion of Mesopotamia
- First Order captures Cessopyre
- Battle of Monix
- Tchenenin LaDoong on Tund
- Kitpat Arthi on Naboo
- Pelis Helrote in the Unknown Regions
- Reckz in the Unknown Regions
- Klic Niuv in the Unknown Regions
- Darth Lonius(probably)
- Selun T. H. Oonba on Jocade
- Dertykop
- Levi Eberle on Crait
- Snoke aboard the Supremacy in the Crait System
During the Hosnian Cataclysm
- Demas Cordd onHosnian Prime
- Lansor Onn on Hosnian Prime
- Kira Cordd on Hosnian Prime
- Nick Benson on Resurection
- Grewpsha on Hosnian Prime
- Rawse Varta on Hosnian Prime
- Rawse Varta's husband on Hosnian Prime
ABY: 31 ABY 32 ABY 33 ABY - 34 ABY - 35 ABY 36 ABY 37 ABY |