Star Wars Fanon

The following events took place in 32 BBY.


  • Senator Palpatine loses the election to Chancellor. (WK207 Universe)
  • Drazil Drewton is assassinated by Mecupa.
  • Yich orders a clone army on Kamino, being the beginning of the creation of the Black Army.
  • Yungn'yne'akure assaults his Jedi Master Lat-Kai Ell, resulting in the death of Master Ell and the banishment of Nyne from the Jedi Order.
  • Yoda becomes Master of the Order.
  • The Etoran Incident, natives within the Colony of Etora, a colony of the Zarkan Empire, attempts to secede from the Empire, the "Republic of Etora" lasts a mere 4 days before King Daniel IV is able to convince the Etoran natives to end their insurrection in exchange for being granted more local control.
  • Llewes Nod is seen in Mos Espa
  • Jasper Fondorball infiltrated and was in control of MI5 Headquarters for a short time. After MI5 took back control, they stormed SMERSH's hideout on Rinnk and finally put an end to the criminal organization.
  • The Flying Eyeballs organization was founded.
  • Militaristic natives of Etora break the recently-forged treaty and attack imperial forces, the Aerman Governor of Etora takes action himself and crushes the natives, declaring emergency measures allowing him to renege the broken treaty. The semi-autonomous native republic is reintegrated into Etora proper.
  • Alfred H. Randallson, a member of the Zarkanian Nationalist party called the "Zarkanian National League", pens "Crimson Shield, Blue-White Field", an ode to the ZNL's party flag, the song soon becomes the party's alternate, unofficial anthem.




35 BBY 34 BBY 33 BBY - 32 BBY - 31 BBY 30 BBY 29 BBY