The following events took place in 32 ABY.
- Several thousand Ewoks and at least one Gorax are modified by the Phyrexians.
- General Corran Horn reforms Intruder Wing.
- Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel are married.
- Waxarn Kel is captured by the Phyrexians.
- The Yuuzhan Vong declare a state of holy war against the Phyrexians.
- Work on a planetary shield generator/Fortress for Coruscant commences.
- The Obelo Republic is formed on Obelo.
- The Dark Jedi Order is creted by Auron Whitesun.
- Williamston Earthquake - A moderately-strong earthquake causes a significant amount of damage in Williamston, the capital city of Nortalia, on the planet Earth.
- Verayan Solo on Coruscant
- Sinoko Lodas on Mon Calamari
ABY: 29 ABY 30 ABY 31 ABY - 32 ABY - 33 ABY 34 ABY 35 ABY |