The following events took place in 3,956 BBY
- Beginning of the First Sith Civil War
- Laera Reyolé and Silas Dan'kre, after successfully escaping Darth Revan's flagship, go missing and are presumed dead
- Czerka Corporation carries out mining operations in Anchorhead, but later abandons it due to the poor quality of the ore in that region
- End of the Jedi Civil War
- Mekel becomes headmaster of the Sith Academy on Korriban
- The First Felix war begins.
- The Oppressor flagship is destroyed
- Skirmish in the Upestis system
- Capture of Darth Revan
- Battle of Taris
- Battle of Rakata Prime
- Battle of Peragus II - Republic pyyrhic victory over superior Sith forces - the greatest Republic victory preceding the Battle of Rakata Prime.
- Xaset Terep
- Aboard Darth Revan's flagship:
- Aboard the Star Forge
- Aboard the Oppressor
- Malak
- Commander Rieekan Gavin over Peragus II
BBY: 3,959 BBY - 3,958 BBY - 3,957 BBY - 3,956 BBY - 3,955 BBY - 3,954 BBY - 3,953 BBY |