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3,651 BBY | |
Approximate dates in other dating systems | |
Year 2 after the Treaty of Coruscant (ATC) | |
Year 2,651 before the Ruusan Reformation | |
Year 3,616 before the Great ReSynchronization (BrS) | |
Facts and statistics | |
Conflicts | |
Chancellor | |
Emperor |
The following events took place in 3,651 BBY.
- The Galactic Republic abandons Relaea.
- Darth Vishus begins secretly forming the Crimson Battalion on Rhelg.
- 3,616:2—The reformed Mandalorian Knights under Kyram Beviin make their presence known to the Sith Empire, Galactic Republic and Jedi Order, and side with the Republic in the war.
- 3,616:2—Mandalorians lead by Kyram Beviin attack Kaas City and the Battle of Dromund Kaas begins. Mandalorians soon evacuate and escape to Sora.
- 3,616:2—Soran-Mandalorian Treaty is sign.
- 3,616:4:1—Kyram Beviin and Meila Caliss are wed on Sora.
- Battle of Dromund Kaas (Cold War)
- Botajef campaign
- First Battle of Botajef
- Second Battle of Botajef
- Third Battle of Botajef
- Fourth Battle of Botajef
- On Botajef
- Demar Beviin
- Kyra Beviin
- Isla Waverunner on Coper
3,616:3 (1 month ABD)[]
3,616:6 (4 months ABD)[]
- Botajef
- In the First Battle of Botajef
- Lenna Raun
- Ezra L'del
- Jorj Z'dann
- Mathis
- In the First Battle of Botajef
3,616:7 (5 months ABD)[]
- Botajef
- In the Second Battle of Botajef
- Renn Bosk
- In the Second Battle of Botajef
BBY: 3,652 BBY–3,651 BBY–3,650 BBY |