Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The following events happened in 26 BBY.


  • Abigaile Jade goes to Armalat-Perbe'la-to to capture an Armalat criminal named Oktay-gokce.
  • Yeenx discovers the yeenx sandfly which has been mistaken for the Tatooinian normal fly for centuries.
  • Dylaaan D' Verimo starts his padawan training with Nio Aveda as his master.
  • Tony Lonsdale's Raid: Anti-Imperialist Tony Lonsdale, an admirer of Samuel Sutton, the insane self-proclaimed "Liberator of the Colonies", who assassinated King Daniel Zarkan IV two years previously, attempts to begin an uprising in the colonies of the Zarkan Empire by raiding the Zarkan Arms Factory in the town of Perote for weaponry, in order to be given to those supportive of him. He and his followers are trapped in the factory and are finally defeated by the Perote Police Force and the Royal Zarkan City Militia, who had to be called in from Zarkan City, Tony Lonsdale is taken alive.
  • Tony Lonsdale is charged with High Treason against the Zarkan Kingdom and is publicly executed by hanging, to which the Union of Earth States voices its disapproval, which serves to further to turn Zarkanians against the Union, culminating in the secession of the Zarkan Kingdom on the first day of 21 BBY and the creation of the Confederate States of Earth.
  • Following Tony Lonsdale's Raid citizens of Perote form the Perote Guards, as a volunteer civilian militia with the purpose of defending the town, following the birth of the Confederacy the Perote Guards form Company D, 1st Zarkan Kingdom Infantry Regiment of the Army of the Zarkan Kingdom.
  • The Great March of Alendal, the Leasath Nationalist Party organises a march through Alendal, the capital of Leasath, in protest of the Union and the tenure of Miguel Terrajo, hundreds from all across Leasath take part in the march, Terrajo orders the Leasath Army to put down the march, however Diego Navarro, the Supreme General of the army, and a member of the LNP, refuses, as a result Terrajo uses the Leasath National Police, after the LNPol attacks the marchers Diego Navarro has the army protect the marchers.
  • Composition and publication of Perote Guards March by local composer Andrew Benning, the march becomes the unit's personal quick march.
  • Zarkan Kingdom General Election of RY 974: The Zarkanian Nationalist party called the Zarkanian National League (ZNL) wins a majority of the vote of this year's General Election in the Zarkan Kingdom. Albert Georgeson, Chairman of the party, is elected Prime Minister.
  • Anders R. Richmond, a composer and member of the ZNL, composes the Zarkania Reborn March, a quick march celebrating the ZNL's victory in the General Election.
  • Jane Zarkan gives birth to her second child, Prince Edmund Thomas Zarkan.
  • The Zarkanian Parliament passes the Colonial Naturalisation Act, granting citizenship to all men of the Aermen Race with good morals and of sound mind (apart from Indentured Servants, who receive their citizenship once their contractual period of service has been completed) who choose to settle in the colonies of the Zarkan Empire. The act is an addition to the earlier Plantation Act of 168 BBY.




29 BBY 28 BBY 27 BBY - 26 BBY - 25 BBY 24 BBY 23 BBY