Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

The 142nd Legion was a Clone trooper infantry unit in the Grand Army of the Republic, and a subordinate unit of the 38th Corps. The Legion was commanded by Senior Clone Commander CC-84-5236 and Jedi General Ruto Adari. After Order 66 was initiated at the start of the Great Jedi Purge and the beginning of the Galactic Empire, the 142nd Legion was reorganized into a unit of the newly founded Imperial Stormtrooper Corps.

As part of the Galactic Empire, they served mostly in the lawless Outer Rim, putting down insurgencies with ruthless efficiency. After the beginning of the Galactic Civil War, they remained one of the few units to consistently achieve victory on the battlefield and remained brutally loyal to the Emperor. Even after the Battle of Endor and the death of the Emperor, the 142nd stayed loyal to the ideals of the Empire, even as its leaders scrambled to hold it together or rise to dominance. It wasn't until the Empire signed the Galactic Concordance that the 142nd realized the war was over, and fled into the Unknown Regions with other remnant units.

However, the 142nd was not part of the group which went on to found the First Order years later. Instead, they formed their own splinter faction, the Vancil Dominion, which quickly began expanding throughout dozens of star systems.



  • 7527th Shock Regiment
    • 456th Shock Battalion
    • 8454th Shock Battalion
    • 7254th Shock Battalion
    • 7178th Shock Battalion
  • 8472nd Shock Regiment
    • 1898th Shock Battalion
    • 8715th Shock Battalion
    • 642nd Shock Battalion
    • 485th Shock Battalion
  • 632nd Infantry Regiment
    • 3257th Assault Battalion
    • 786th Assault Battalion
    • 5505th Line Battalion
    • 2965th Armored Battalion
  • 8484th Infantry Regiment
    • 1475th Assault Battalion
    • 3957th Assault Battalion
    • 315th Line Battalion
    • 97805th Armored Battalion