The following events took place in approximately 100,000 BBY.
- The Exodus from Had Abaddon, an event on Had Abaddon that sees the enslaved members of the Ophuchi Tribe come together under the leadership of The Skywalker and overthrow the government that had oppressed them, takes place. By the end of the event, the government of Had Abaddon falls and the Ophuchi immigrate to Kal'Shabbol where they establish the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi. The conflict is also a direct cause of the Kal'Shabbol Civil War.
- Pre-historic Duros slaves are transported to the planet of Trooden by Rakata slave traders. The remnants of these ancient slaves would later be known as Saronians.
- Founding of the Temvars on Sol'Mund.
- Demons evolve on Draxus.
Battles battle of countdurri[]
Births Seems Landoee[]
Deaths guzzi folltu, mimi guzzts[]
BBY/ABY: 500,000 BBY - 300,000 BBY - 200,000 BBY - 100,000 BBY - 95,000 BBY 90,000 BBY 80,000 BBY |