Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The following events took place in 1,000 BBY. The year is also known as RY 1 in the Zarkanian Calendar, as well as GDY 1000 in the Zarkanian Ducal Calendar.


  • The E.O.Th.R.U. is formed by Darth Saltus and Darth Hukrah.
  • The Ruusan Reformation takes place.
  • The Kingdom of Westland passes the Westland Supremacy Act, officially declaring Zarkania a colony of Westland, as a result local Zarkanian lords can be replaced with Westian ones at will.
  • As a result of the act Duke Thomas Zarkan of the Duchy of Northern Zarkania retracts his fealty to Westland's sovereign and raises his banner as a declaration of rebellion against Westland.
  • The former Duke Thomas founds the Zarkan Kingdom, becoming King Thomas I. At first, the kingdom is retricted to northern Zarkania.
  • Northern Zarkania Rebellion: The Duchy of Northern Zarkania, under the rule of Duke Harold II, Thomas I's younger brother, breaks away from the Kingdom of Westland, forming the Free Duchy of Northern Zarkania.
  • First known appearance of the "Blue Star Flag", as the "King Thomas Banner", the personal banner of King Thomas I.
  • Inspired by Thomas I, the dukes and earls in the middle of Zarkania form the League of Central Zarkania. The members of the League swear fealty to Thomas I.
  • Uprising in Central Zarkania: The members of the League of Central Zarkania launch uprisings to oust the Westlandian forces from their lands. The League also forms the Allied Army of Oakston, a field army which battles the assembled armies of Westland in the region.
  • After a number of victories King Thomas briefly invades Westland, who sues for peace, ending the Zarkanian War of Independence, the Zarkan nation is reborn after two centuries of occupation by Westland following the Seventh Zarkano-Westland War.
  • Treaty of the Isles: Duke Eric II of the Duchy of the Isles, the islands off the western coast of the Zarkan Kingdom, makes a deal with the Kingdom of Westland for autonomy in exchange for recognising Westland as the Suzerain of the Western Isles. Duchy of the Isles becomes the Kingdom of the Isles, Duke Eric II becomes King Eric I.
  • Thomas I adopts the new Zarkanian Calendar as the official calendar, replacing the Zarkanian Ducal Calendar, which continues to be favoured by Zarkanian traditionalists.
  • The Kingdom of Westland attempts to regain their lost colonial vassals, viewing the young Zarkan Kingdom as easy prey they invade Zarkania, beginning the Eighth Zarkano-Westland War
  • Thomas I invades and conquers South Westland, which is popularly seen as the birth of the Zarkan Empire, which shall cover 1/7th of the Earth's surface by 81 BBY.
  • The Zarkan Kingdom celebrates the millennial anniversary of the founding of the Grand Duchy of Zarkania.
  • The construction of Inqua's capital, Sharkla, was built by King Zaa.
  • The Arkanis Police Force is created.
  • The Empire of Opposition is established
  • The Jedi Temple on Tanalorr is raided by Mandalorians following Tarre Vizsla's death. The Darksaber is stolen and a statue of Vizsla is constructed on Concordia.




1,003 BBY 1,002 BBY 1,001 BBY - 1,000 BBY - 999 BBY 998 BBY 997 BBY