Star Wars Fanon

I am the first Méróló, the mortal representation of the Goddess of Unity, the ropes I wear are the sacred Ropes of Unity, they keep our people unified, as if bound together by ropes. As the representation of Méróló I am the daughter of great V'ei'ka.
—Úyúló on her job as the Méróló

Úyúló Mírísá was the first non-Yásíyá Méróló, the mortal representation of the Goddess of Unity called Méróló. She was a servant of the Zerego dynasty, the family which sat on the throne of Ingza Prime when she was alive, she was very loyal and obedient to her Zeregan masters. Despite being a servant she commanded enormous respect due to her position as a Méróló, even her Zeregan rulers bowed down to her in respect.


I am great Méróló, I keep us united, I wear the sacred Ropes of Unity, which keep us bound together in unity! All Ingzans are bound in brotherhood by the ropes!
—Úyúló Mírísá

Úyúló Mírísá was the first ever Méróló, the mortal representation of Méróló, the Ingzan Goddess of Unity, as she was a Méróló she wore the sacred Ropes of Unity, ropes which had the power to keep the Ingzan people united as if "bound together by ropes". When she was 22 she underwent the harmless Ropes of Unity Attachment Ceremony, in which the ropes were attached to her wrists and neck and symbolised the goddess Méróló using the holy ropes she wore to keep her mother's children united in brotherhood.

Because she lived at the start of the modern Ingzan civilisation, around 40,000 BBY, she could wear a white Ts'shúkí without being thought of as disrespectful of the dead, at the time she was alive wearing a white Ts'shúkí wasn't taboo because most Ts'shúkís of her time were white, because she was an important, rich and powerful figure in Ingzan society she managed to get a two-tone one, something very prestigious in her day, the top half of her Ts'shúkí was white, whilst the bottom half was dark grey, she also had a plain white Ts'shúkí which she wore sometimes.

Her home was the Palace of Méróló, where she lived a very good life, one most Ingzans could only dream of, her servants were completely loyal and obedient to her, she was their personal goddess, the incarnation of great Méróló, they obeyed her every word and command, they waited on her hand and foot, she had great feasts with her family and friends, she lived a life of luxury, one almost as luxurious as the Zeregan sovereigns.

We worship and obey the mistress, she is our lady and mistress, we are her loyal servants! The mistress is the incarnation of the great Méróló, the first daughter of our heavenly mother, V'ei'ka, the goddess who keeps us united. We will obey her to the end of time itself, we are all ready to die for her!
—One of Úyúló's servants, speaking about the relationship between Úyúló and her servants

After she died she went to Heaven, sometimes returning to her old palace as an angel.

Behind the scenes[]

The design of Úyúló Mírísá is based on Kirie Himuro of Project Zero, the Ropes of Unity were based on the Laceration rope but unlike the Laceration rope the Ropes of Unity were used in a harmless ritual. The writer is a huge fan of the Project Zero series and has taken inspiration from it several times before
