This is a quick test post so I can save this image (made on a computer) onto a phone to be cropped. Delete.
This is a quick test post so I can save this image (made on a computer) onto a phone to be cropped. Delete.
I can help. So, find the image you are looking for, e.g an image of a Stormtrooper. The image can have jpg, webp and stuff like that, e.g Stormtrooper.webp. Then, to add it in the infobox, here's an example: [[Image:Stormtrooper.webp]]. Make sure you add it in the 'image' section. Was this helpful?
Something I do in my story is to take already existing things from Star Wars that could be relevant to your story, and make your own version.
^Sorry, but this project has been scrapped, and I'm also hardly active on this wiki. You're also about a month or two late.
@ForceUser93 just search up 'Star Wars Fanon' on, well, Star Wars Fanon and you'll then find a list of admins etc. click either Sebolto or Sakaros and go to their message wall. from there you can write a message to them
He's a Mandalorian, with Death Watch colors on his armor.
What designs/feature is the best?
2. Flint's helmet horns.
Thoughts? Ideas? More to say, have you?
You could tell the administrators (Sakaros and Sebolto) that you two are both working together and have given each other permission to edit your pages
Interesting ideas! Certainly wayyyyy better than Bolla Ropal, the weak rodian Jedi we actually got. I like the lightsaber color choice too. But now I'm curious, how did he survive Order 66?
Well people need to understand what's being said, if you catch my drift.
I'm making a two-book series called Star Wars: Gen'Dai, which follows the journey of Durge before and after the rise of the Empire. Characters (already existing and new), storylines and settings are all acceptable ideas! btw, book one takes place during the Clone Wars and the second takes place during the Empire.